believe in yourself that you will make it...
Attitude is everything
If you think you can [do it], half the battle is won
Nobody can run you down without your approval
The King of the Jungle, the Lion, believes it dominates & rules and can eat any other species
The world is not bothered with your self-esteem and self-actualization. You are expected to demonstrate and display your quality
Talents: Don't wait to be discovered! Show it if you have ~ the unpolished gem is a stone
Even with the best FengShui风水, waiting to be discovered is a lost cause
The truths must stand out against the fakes; the earlier the better to ease future consequences, made worse by half-truths, self-entitlements and ulterior motives
Do your best 做好本分 ~ the army cannot fight on empty stomachs and the Chef keeps their spirits going ~ the spirit is willing but the body is weak. The wok is as powerful as the guns
Fortune foretelling, occult, soothsayer and the likes can, or may, tell your future but what's the point of knowing if there is no solutions to possible bad outcomes? Believe in yourself that you are the definitive decider
You are born to express, not to impress. If all else fails; my life, my rules ~ bend a little isn't impossible
Need not be arrogant but you must take a stand... a "no" is a "NO" 没事就没事 有事可成大事 Never gamble with your (own) integrity, credibility and moral inclinations
Winning is everything and do your utmost zest to win... without underhand tactics and schemes
Whatever is yours shalt be yours
I am a fighter, a warrior; never a coward with traitorous thoughts
I live 'forever' and only die once ~ between being born and dying, I wanna live my dreams and crystalize my goals
Breathe.. breathe, let go of stress! You deserved a good, free life, void of unwanted interference; a positive attitude wins all
There is no hardship in life; it's all about attitude. Get it right and get going; no one can stop a runaway train
Never gamble with outright risks - Starting from zero to zero is zero, but strive to win by at least ONE. It motivates
Beggars haven't much choices but, without life, you can't even be one. Live to fight another day
Attitude overcomes fear and paralysis & positive begets more positive responses
Sometimes, I feel that I want to live another 50years but I reminded myself that quality beats quantity & I'm living it now. If HE calls me back now, I wouldn't be able to refuse but, perhaps, with a few brownie points collected over time, slight extension is still possible
Man proposes, GOD disposes & I am disposable
Live your best today, any day & every day
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