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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some Day Soon, Everyone Will Be History

after I walked past, I may not return...

The trials and tribulations are passing moments ~ be patient, let go and be relieved of burden of hates and regrets

Today's gains maybe tomorrow's losses; you may win an argument but you loss the relationship

Never win a battle to loss the war

Home is not a place for reason(ings) but plentiful of 'gives and takes'. At most times, you give & the rest take 

Resentment, envy and hates are toxins that cannot be ignored but need to be neutralized

Fight against negative and you receive more negatives; fighting fire with fires is possible if you are prepared for colossal destruction

面子不值钱 ~ 放下面子 钱财两得 

Put on a mask, build a facade and face the unreal world

Speak to the audience & please their ears; music to their ears is better than any orchestra. Delivering a successful sales pitch is an Art; "no best deal can be adopted if its too truthful"  甜蜜的谎言

见人说人话 见鬼说鬼话 ~ 这世界真正喜欢听好听的话 不是真话

In psychology, it's empirically proven that the "Man loves to loss". 

Before he starts to gamble, he'd say "at most I loss $10,000". He places his stake and wins... he'll bet bigger. Finally, he will attempt a "double or quit or show-hand". Why? He is prepared to loss

Nobody can help unless he has the resources and abilities; be empowered

Built your resources; with excess resources, you can 'buy' labor and solutions 

Every steps I take, I leave a footprint [along the path]

Every praises and criticism are not my choice; safely ignore

Words never hurt but being emotional is inherently damaging

Victory is sweetest when glory returns ... but, enjoy the small victories too

Never indulge in regrets nor let others words affect you

Fight to win if need be

Live in the currency of life; today is perishable

Whether you are 21yo or 71yo, live your best today and everyday

Growing old is a privilege as not everyone live to see their twilight years

If you don't explore & build your pipeline of achievements, defeats included, you may have no memories to recall nor story to tell

My future is dictated by my current mental and physical capabilities; there is no chance to rush as, sometimes, the spirit is willing but the physique limit 

天时地利人和  也要有好运

I am waiting patiently

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