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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I Want Back My Simple Life

looking back and letting go of the past...

As you move forward in life, you reminisce your past 

When you were struggling to put meals on the table, worries find no place in your mind

Anxieties, depression, disorientation and unhappiness fill an idle mind, causing imbalances

When you are struggling to make ends meet, wondering where the next meal is coming from, you'd need to scrap the bottom to find solutions to fill your stomach; the rest are irrelevant

Now that I have ample time to look back, the best times were actually the struggling days; finding food, getting through the day by doing your best without thoughts of the 'expected' rewards

Come whatever may; I made it through the day ~ blessed by GOD's grace

HE never fail to reward me for my efforts, however, small ...  at least, I will have enough to see myself through the day

After a hard day, the physically drained body leaves no room for regrets - every seconds of rest counts

There was a period of time where I worked, studied, stretched the little money I have, sleep for 3-4 hours a day yet find time to exercise and keep fit - some opined that I was 'super' but I was simply normal. I don't want to be super but  normal

I bite the bullet and never complains & channeled my energies to my goal - quietly, slowly but surely - the goal to survive, then make enough & finally 'prosper'

LUCK is when preparation meets opportunity天时地利人和 还要好运

It is so easy to enjoy success and time simply flies

When misfortune hits, time crawl - seconds were like hours

Frankly, there is NO need to share your sorrows; nobody really cares

You'd need to walk through the baptism of fire 苦中作乐 No empathy can relieve you of your pains

The world loves a winner - always show the world your positive side even if you're crumbling

The world will never be fair - it is said to be "fair' to appease the weaker ones

Always take the middle path 以和为贵

When you fight, or need to fight, always fight to win - if you can't beat him [Knock-Out] decisively, he will come back to haunt you

Sometimes, I want to eat plain porridge with a few simple dishes by the roadside stall, step aside for a small beer, enjoy small talks,  laughs heartily and disappear into the crowds

In my simpler days, I used to cycle or walk to the beach alone, sit by the wavebreaker, read newspapers and sip beers under the hot sun

I love walking in the rain where my heavy heart and worries are washed away and nobody notice my tears & my heart lightens thereafter 男人哭吧哭吧不是罪

I guess it would not be long before I walk back in life - the simple life

I am spending more time to keep fit, stay healthy and be alone ... Alone is not loneliness

I will endeavor to forgive and forget -  forgive myself and forget my worries - as I seek clarity of humanity

I'm walking into the Arms of God to seek comfort & relief

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Expect The Unexpected; Markets Reward The Brave & Prepared

try, and you will find out...

Social & environmental 

There is a trend or a pattern in everything you do

The outliers will act beyond the given trend

The cosmic power is changing constantly and realignment and manifestation are norms

You need not outshine others in everything you do but you need to do it differently to achieve the desired results as the environment changes

Being stubborn, procrastination and being unyielding are negative (determination) whereas perseverance is positive. The former are emotional responses to a given situation whereas the latter is based on facts

As much as you detest and protest unpopular policies, they are there for certain purposes. If you wanna participate, you have to oblige the rules, not unlike you can only use legs for soccer and hands for basketball

Economy & the rich-poor gap

For the last 20 years or so, the gap between the rich and poor widens. Globally, the highest wealth rung controls $208.3 trillion in wealth, or 45.8% of the global total which is just 1.1% of the world adult population

In the last many years, improvement in productivity in Singapore has been minimal to nil with the heavy reliance of imported, unskilled foreign workers and the higher unemployed and underemployed local PMETs due to the loose labor policies which allowed many foreigners, even armed with unknown & ungraded Unis certs, to squad in Singapore to look for jobs. GDP growth were unimpressive  

It is hateful to hear the leaders saying "Singapore do not have talents!" If Singaporeans are not given a chance to gainful employment, how would they ever be trained, let alone flourish into talents in their respective fields

Before 1997 HK-handover, many HKers were offered jobs and PRs in Singapore. Many came, made their fortunes, climbed the corp ladder but within 10 years or so,   most went back to HK or migrated to greener pastures and leaving Singapore to hollow-out...

The non - transparency, accountability and  'ownself check ownself' policies have created  a breach of efficiency and eroded the  effectiveness that were once the proud trademark of Singapore's systems

2024 is a dynamic year and we are in the last quarter ~ Oct/Nov/Dec ~ the speed of change will accelerate and manifest 

As the environment synchronize while the elements clashes, expect the unexpected - the more volatile, the more uncertainty, the greater the impact

Gossipy Stock Markets

In early Sep, 2024, in my blog, I opined that the western financial markets [DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P500] have been rising for the last 4-5years and chances of rebound to continue the uptrend is still alive but the eastern markets of China/HK had declined during the same period. On valuation, the East is cheaper and the smart money will follow the smell of cheaper valuation. [I have been more affirmative about the East after April, 2024 ~ in earlier blogs]

The last 8 days of rebound in China/HK markets were exponential & impactful

A word of caution:

Following the China/HK stock markets rebound in the last 8 days[exceeding the recent year highs], the East/West [DJIA, S&P500 & Nasdaq] capital markets are moving in sync. 

Typically, when the markets move in sync, the next directional change will likely to be together and more impactful.         

October/November are cyclically more volatile & traders' profits and losses are crystallize in this period; the trials and tribulations are experienced

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Stay Above [The] Turbulence

whatever doesn't matter, doesn't hurt...

Opportunists appear any time when there is a chance to capitalize

Pessimists see every opportunities as possible failures and traps

Optimists exploit every opportunities, big & small, risk or riskless - don't try, never know

Opportunities is another word to anyone who's not interested; it doesn't matters and it will not hurt

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity - you can't be lucky if you cannot handle what is given to you

A fool and his money will soon part

Every thing is promising until delivered ~ action speaks louder than words

NIMBY - Not In My BackYard - is the most commonly demonstrated behavior nowadays as selfish, greed and indifference kill empathy & care

一种米养百种人 Being a habitual creature, we are in a hurry everyday - rushing to fulfill our works, goals, going from place to place & meeting expectations without asking "what am I trying to achieve?" It is nice to be reminded that "everyone's requests is urgent, especially voices from your 'bosses'. 

Try saying "NO" to timeline/dateline ~ not all need immediate attention

When you are sick, immobilized, of no-more use [not useful] or too old, the world moves on without you; your life shattered as you thought you mattered and are indispensable

Jim Carrey defined "SAD" as being unhappy at that moment & "DEPRESSION" is "Fxxx it! I have enough of the character & role that I have played & expected to play & I want out!" You cannot be or try to be what you are not... your Soul & mental faculty will collapse. Once, you're out, you recover...

You begin recovering because whatever happens doesn't matter anymore. You are just YOU 

Winners, champions, stars ... all successes come with higher demands and expectations

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

We are all made different and have specific role during our lifetime 人生本来就是一场戏

Fortunes favor the brave, the prepared and who are ready

From Sep 11th - 30th, the HangSeng Index rose from under 18,000 to above 21,000; 3000 points [>17%]. Anyone who was involved gained substantially but, for the many, who aren't involved, it has no relevance. Many want to make money but few are willing to do their homework

Bees will always be found around flowers as flies will roost in piles of shit 

Nobody needs to envy others

Do your research, understand your environment and be selective in your application - 钱用在刀口上

Every industry is a 'gold mine' in itself; there will be a few stars as some will collapse due to inability to change expeditiously and operate without niche knowledge & understanding

We are all born unique and have a designated role to play

Role play cannot exist perpetually as time changes the environment; their roles evolve and change too 

Be happy, stay healthy

Nothing is permanent and life is finite

It is October - the last quarter of the year is here

Have you achieved whatever you set early in the year like your "New Year Resolution"? Most do not ...

人生是一个过程 但结果比过程重要 世上没有后悔药

Live your best and leave the rest

Whatever doesn't concern you, it doesn't matter

I Want Back My Simple Life

looking back and letting go of the past... As you move forward in life, you reminisce your past  When you were struggling to put meals on th...