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Saturday, October 26, 2024

I Am Defeated ... But Not Out

giving up is the best way out...

No expectations, no disappointments ~ easier said than done

Without expectation, where do you find motivation? It is the expectation of achieving success [your goal] that motivates you to work towards it

The expectation of achieving the goal, especially when you have used up all you know, call upon all avenues of help and are fairly sure, yet the last mile to success seems distance, stress manifests sharply

It's so easy to say "just give up"; but when the reward is so thick that between success and failure seems only [like] a hair breathe away

To accept defeat & give up is to leave it to GOD ; that's truly altruistic

My energy is low and I am dispirited; probably at one of my lowest biorhythm 

I have poured more hours into physical exercises, walk away from unyielding situations and create distractions to burn out my polluted 'energy', however low 

But, I am also aware that if I give myself more spaces, allow more time to lapse  发呆 , trying to remain indifferent 随缘 and just "let it be" 潇洒, I recover and manage to see and obtain more positive results

I am after all, a HUMAN; with all the weaknesses and failings associated to mortals

I lived by the nickname "the incurable positive" yet there are days that I am almost completely hollow-out and fell deep into the miserable depth 

I guess when success is few and far in-between and there is little to do, not to mention 'to achieve' in this snail-paced environment, many simply opt out and give up  

There is no right nor wrong answer! Not everyone can push on as some will crack under stress and suffer anxieties and depression

There is no "Why Me?" answers ... In all races, you can opt out

I? I...? I lie low, move aside from the race, rest a little, reassess my situation, allow the ill-winds to pass, try to lock myself out of the ecosystem and remain staid

It is no easy task to stand aside and watch the world goes by

This smiley cow is an inspiration

It looks healthy, well built, cheerful, indifference to the surroundings and enjoying every moments

It is said that the "cow knows if it's end-day is near but will never run & accepts whatever Fate dishes to it. But, it will shed tears though"

I have enough to get by and I should be sitting by the beach with my newspapers and 6-packs and watch the world goes by

I have reentered the race with limitless fervor, drive and grit but nothing prepares me for this slowdown

I am a mentor and life-coach to many 

But, as the going says "the Master saves you, but who saves the Master?" I leave my healing with GOD. In HIS arms, I shalt rest, nurture my hurts and lick my wounds, away from the unforgiving environment ~ in solitude, I retreat 

Sometimes, I asked if I have pushed myself too much & too far and putting myself through a fresh baptism of fire?  Maybe...

No good sword can be minted without the fiery furnace, pounded between the anvil and hammer

I am in retreat and recess. I must crawl into my cocoon and hide away until the ill-winds blow over

Everyone has his down-days and I have mine

GOD has given me the wisdom to accept my weaknesses, walk away and rest; I shalt return stronger

My days will be the same 以退为进  饭照吃,酒照喝, 舞照跳 。。。 没有做不到的事  只有还没想到

Alas! Every dog has its days

When the big picture is turbulent and unfavorable, going against it is not unlike swimming against the tides; I accept defeat gracefully

Live to fight another day

I shalt return better and stronger

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