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Saturday, November 2, 2024

Never Hate

Be your own lighthouse...

Never hate ... is a powerful solution to all of life's challenges

Hate is a negative emotion and it drains you both, mentally and physically

When your friend plays you out, you hate him instead of learning from your lessons to stay away from him & other fairly similar characters 

When someone provokes you or talk down to you, you can be angry & disturbed but let the moment lapse as soon as it surfaces. Why? You've suffered that moment, let it go instead of suffering in infinity

Choose your battles; not all battles must be fought

When you need to fight the harassment of a cackle of hyenas, you will never walk away alive neither will you be able to leave to seek freedom & achievements   

Not all failures need to be bitter as most happen for a reason and, at times, unexpectedly

Betrayals, short-changed, disruptions, abrupt changes... are all lessons and norms

The earlier that you get over, the faster you recover and move ahead  

The choice is clear: either you are stuck or you move on & progress

Misery can be incisive but should always be temporary ~ it's like crying in the rain and let nobody notices your tears

Retreat into your cocoon to rest & recuperate when you are feeling hurt, energy depleted,; it is best not to share but to swallow the load 

Nobody really wants to know your problem while the majority smirks conceitedly 落井下石

Rest if you must and give yourself a break ~ "the good riddance feelings"

Before ASEAN was formed, SEAsia was a divisive region of nations; compulsive, aggressive, suspicious and, at times, jealous of their more successful neighbors    

ASEAN was born in 1967 with Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand as founders. It grew and is still growing, minus the hurts, suspicions, aggression and jealousy. These negatives did not disappear but they are managed and ventilated to ease relationships. Any disagreements are mediated & resolved  or, the quarreling parties can opt out temporarily ~ that is, rest but not quit

Do not let hate burn your Soul

Be at peace with yourself and others 

When you forgive, you give yourself a chance to be released from emotional bondage and learn from your defeats 放下就轻松 笑看江湖

I am the lighthouse upon myself, then others, not unlike the moon that shines in the night though it doesn't produce light but reflects the sun's rays. I am the catalyst, the motivator and the glow

I cannot change anyone nor the world but when I change, the world changes with me

I am rebooting myself to create a "new" me; say little, listen more, be indifferent to everything and everyone that don't concern nor benefit me... to be blind and deaf to the surrounding

Like a squirrel; goes out hunting for food, bring home, store and until the food runs out, nothing bothers

I am not turning selfish but I'm still licking my wounds from my own generosity and empathy. Nobody will ever understand the hurts 苦中作乐 that burns within 

After 10 months of extreme patience, I was almost defeated by myself ~ accommodating everyone ~  but, slowly but surely ... the tomorrow shalt come

All shalt pass and I shalt return better and stronger

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