the end of something is the beginning of another...
The day ends into the night, vice versa, as the sea ends at the shores
Babies are born and the 'growing ups' pass; age non-definitive
At the extreme of misery is recovery ~ if you are at your worst, the only way is up
Capitalism swing into socialism as the "HAVE-NOTs" rebel to wrestle from the selfish "HAVEs" who hoard resources with intents to dominate and dictate
It is survival of Man that pushes for reform ~ the rich cannot live in a sea of poors
Soon, December will give way to a new year
At some point in time, the world rebalances
But, the wrath of Nature is merciless when changes are in motion
No human capabilities & technology can resist Nature's prowess bent of rebalancing the imbalances
By GOD's grace, pollutants must be cleared and cleaned to allow human survival
Changes, when forced upon, are always painful, least desirable and resisted but nobody has yet to tame, let alone beat, Nature
Let Nature takes it's course 顺其自然 and go with the flow - that's the least resistance path
If everything is Destined, then why work? Destiny is a broad path for you to take - you pick your journey. Youthful energy cannot be exchange for experiences that are acquired over time
Experiences can be acquired by reading [least painful & most rewarding], listening and learning from the more experienced elders and mentors and getting yourself 'dump at the deep end of the pool' [costly yet painful at times]
Do your best and leave the rest; learn a skill, arm yourself with a degree, learn the intricacies of the industry, build a niche solution and the rest will fall into place
Time is the best friend & all shalt materialize
天时地利人和 也要好运 : 该来的已经在路上
The best solution is found in money
Money grease the systems and make everything easier 有钱不是万能 但 没钱万万不能
When Society is poor, everyone works together for the betterment of the whole
When Society prospers and matures, a new upper class of elites is created to rule the commoners
Trust, the delicate glue that holds everyone together, will be abused when greed takes root
Hunger brews anarchy and rebellion and the smashed up fibers allow restitching - A new equilibrium surfaces
Treat everyone with awe and respect and betray no one
You may grab a little more but make sure there is enough to go around
A hungry man is an angry man; if need be, he will burn the hut down to rebuild the village
Well, well - the beginning and end is only a fine line
Let there be compassion
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