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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Small Wins Fill Us With Glee

 losing turn winning is a pleasant surprise...

It can be very discouraging, if not depressing, when you haven't win or enjoyed victory for a while

Even a draw, or the chance to overturn the table@negotiations are plusses 

The chance to say "NO" to the others and to walk away instead of agreeing to a lesser bargain, is in itself, a victory

Alas! This just show how even minor, immaterial victory soothes the nerve and provides sparks of hopes and encouragement

The most wreaking challenge is when everything seem to hit the wall despite all 'best efforts'

Well, well ... I have cleared numerous impasses with gilt edge languages and charm

Guess, if it must go wrong, it still will

Finding comfort in saying "not doing may not be the worst" only soothes the ego and the pains of defeat

More often than not, the provocateur or coward will throw challenges to 'thumb you down'  & threatens to 'show hands' ~ calling a bluff 

If you are not prepared or you 'give in' without a fight, they sweep you from under your feet and throw you under the bus

Always Be Prepared 知彼知己百战百胜 

Winning is everything

When you are indifferent to others opinions, do not rely on others efforts and is "the light upon oneself", nothing can defeat you

I have been dragged through a bad patch recently with low biorhythm, dispirited, low battery, discouraged and almost defeated... 

Instead of trawling the energyless pit, i focus on physical exercises, let the mind wonders, be listless, read and allow some indulgences & leave spaces and time for idleness 

Lousy days and listlessness deserves desertion ~ emptiness is not void and all shalt pass

I spent time with GOD alone; being aware of HIS presence & enjoying the vacant self, void of worries and distractions

Enjoy NATURE ; the scent of flowers, the dancing blades of grass swaying in the wind, the breeze caressing you, the musical waves, the warmth sunshine, the countless stars, the sleepy-faced moon, the light rain...  submit to GOD and he shalt set you free

I am no weakling but I have no magic 

In GOD, I Trust

HE is beginning to reward me with energy, blessings and winnings; however small

With good health & blessings, I will ride the chariots into victory

No Man can defeat all Men but HE shalt empower me with the means to achieve the end




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