sweat it out ...
Tears, sweat, hunger and blood are little sacrifices toward victory
Success is 99% sweat & 1% luck
Well, not really...but luck is still dominant - ask the losers
It is easy to cheer the boxer, the runner or the political candidate in the heat of the events
But, few will understand the efforts, 'defeats' and sweat that went through
Nobody starts with a 'defeat' in mind but it is the believe in yourself & grit that push forward
In a short 1 hour conversation over drinks, a friend asked me repeatedly "so what have you achieved" with all your efforts thrown in? I calmly said "not much but ..."
I have three houses and two cars and he...still paying for his public apartment - our age is not too far apart
When you keep doubting yourself, how can you ever achieve? The start point is hollow
With hopes & grit, the journey is a little easier
With a positive mind, the journey becomes a breeze
Sure, we may meet dusts storms and gusty winds but never waver
Nobody knows what success is until you achieve your goal - the trophy does change over time
When the kid gets his ice-cream, when he graduates from pre-school - these means nothing but are achievements in their own right
When the man gets a job & when he gets promoted - these meant alot
When the woman marries, she wins her preferred best man & he is "her everything in her world"
When he dies and he receives a proper decent burial, he quietly leaves with dignity
Simple victories, different feelings
The best time to plant a tree is now & the best time to long for the/it's fruits was 10 years into the future; You cannot have the fruits by planting a seed today
Just like it takes nine months to get a baby & it doesn't mean you impregnate 9 women today and the baby arrives tomorrow
The pupa cracks to allow the butterfly to evolve; a natural drying of its wings allow it to fly & to add color and beautify the garden
If you break the pupa and help to remove the butterfly, it becomes incapacitated and dies
Nature has her methods to perfection - time
Many can drive but few can be a F-1 driver
Many can be fathers but few can be an 'ideal' dad
The best are nurtured over time
There is no need to complain and sulk after defeats as success is the best antidote
When the chips are low, lie low, rejuvenate, refresh, relearn and unlearn
Be ready & pounce when opportunity abounds again
Opportunities must be acted upon and crystalized
There are many geniuses but few successful ones
If only you change, nothing changes, victory included
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Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Saturday, September 14, 2019
You Just Cannot Be Too Trusting
what's more painful than being betrayed...
The saddest thing about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies
And, betrayals have a way of repeating itself by sponging on the weakness of your heart
防人之心不可无 害人之心不可有
However you thought that you were prepared, the perpetrator seemed to be able to pry into your weaknesses, that is, kindness
I have been a victim as I have witnessed many victims; not for lack of IQ but simply weak at heart
The best defence is attack
When hit by scam, deception or simply 'conned', it is best to hit back hard
But, how many will or can? More often than not, it's not worth hitting back
Many believe that someone else will serves the karma but...
Are you any happier that the scammer, con-artist or cheats meet a painful death? No, whatever for
Everyone will die some day and their mode of exit is destine
Why should a painful, suffering death be a happy occasion lest to exchange for a bigger, personal hurt
The victims gain nothing
Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime - Mineko Iwasaki
Trusting someone over money is the silliest act yet it's as common as commonsense
Spending time to aid another who never value your assistance is a lost cause
Physical losses are temporary but emotional losses are etched for life
Time lost to a lost cause can never be recovered
Not all losses can be cut short
Marriage, electing a politician, signing a contractual obligation...take a painfully long time to dissolve
It's not the length of time to expiration but the draining emotion that saps the Soul
Walk away, walk far, far away and don't ever look back
When trust is gone, any other word becomes a passing - let it pass
I am still trying to be ungullible
But, I know, deep inside me, I have weak heart
Nevertheless, I will hit back hard the next time
That's what I say now...will I? Haha, it is not in me nor my character to be vengeful
Guess, until then...
The saddest thing about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies
And, betrayals have a way of repeating itself by sponging on the weakness of your heart
防人之心不可无 害人之心不可有
However you thought that you were prepared, the perpetrator seemed to be able to pry into your weaknesses, that is, kindness
I have been a victim as I have witnessed many victims; not for lack of IQ but simply weak at heart
The best defence is attack
When hit by scam, deception or simply 'conned', it is best to hit back hard
But, how many will or can? More often than not, it's not worth hitting back
Many believe that someone else will serves the karma but...
Are you any happier that the scammer, con-artist or cheats meet a painful death? No, whatever for
Everyone will die some day and their mode of exit is destine
Why should a painful, suffering death be a happy occasion lest to exchange for a bigger, personal hurt
The victims gain nothing
Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime - Mineko Iwasaki
Trusting someone over money is the silliest act yet it's as common as commonsense
Spending time to aid another who never value your assistance is a lost cause
Physical losses are temporary but emotional losses are etched for life
Time lost to a lost cause can never be recovered
Not all losses can be cut short
Marriage, electing a politician, signing a contractual obligation...take a painfully long time to dissolve
It's not the length of time to expiration but the draining emotion that saps the Soul
Walk away, walk far, far away and don't ever look back
When trust is gone, any other word becomes a passing - let it pass
I am still trying to be ungullible
But, I know, deep inside me, I have weak heart
Nevertheless, I will hit back hard the next time
That's what I say now...will I? Haha, it is not in me nor my character to be vengeful
Guess, until then...
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Servant & The Master
the pains of having to rebel...
Most commoners are happy to go about doing their daily chores and making their livelihoods
Nobody want to rock the boat and mess up the environment to make living economically impossible
The politics of the day is left to the few
Politicians are potentially history-makers, for the better or the worse
Robert Gabriel Mugabe was a Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician who served as prime minister of Zimbabwe
He was a hero until almost absolute power turned him a dictator
José Alberto "Pepe" Mujica Cordano, president, Uraguay, has been described as "the world's humblest head of state" due to his austere lifestyle and his donation of around 90 percent of his $12,000 monthly salary to charities that benefit poor people and small entrepreneurs
Ferdinand Marcos, president, Philippines, ruled a rising economy but ended being branded the most corrupted, extravagance and brutal regime
History remembers the most hated and the most loved leaders
Winners get to write history
Leaders must care and share & 'sacrifice' for his/her people
Man will die for their leaders because of trust and confidence
Of course, it's country before self...taxing, milking and squeezing every drop in the name of "preparing for the future" is totally absurd
How do you save when you are hardly able to live? A hungry man is an angry man
The world’s richest people have seen their share of the globe’s total wealth increase from 42.5% at the height of the 2008 financial crisis to 50.1% in 2017, or $140tn (£106tn), according to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report published on Tuesday. The globe’s richest 1% own half the world’s wealth (report - 2017)
The world's poor has little to none to eat because the rich compounded wastages
Trickle down economics do not help the poor
Many anarchy, revolutionaries and rebellions occur after years of suppression; it's an implosion
The people can take the punches but like all things, the elasticity has limit
It is not why did it happen but when...
Why did the HKers take to the streets and still refused to stop? Why did the Malaysians voted for a change? Why did UK opt to leave the EU?
There is a limit to poverty-sharing; it is the sharing of misfortunes, not prosperity
Strangely, the wealthy, famous and powerful somehow forgot the meaning of "sharing"
You can take more but you cannot take all
The Arab Spring exploded over a minor incident ; the/a tiny match can burn a forest
Nobody wants anarchy
Nobody seeks to destroy a peaceful environment
But, the evil will inevitably light the fuse of oppression and suppression
Self-destruction comes after reasons are thrown out of the windows
There is no reasons in an emotional implosion
Let us keep the lights of hope and peace burning
....before the light burnt out
Who is the servant and who is the master cannot be calibrated; it is the natural order of living
Most commoners are happy to go about doing their daily chores and making their livelihoods
Nobody want to rock the boat and mess up the environment to make living economically impossible
The politics of the day is left to the few
Politicians are potentially history-makers, for the better or the worse
Robert Gabriel Mugabe was a Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician who served as prime minister of Zimbabwe
He was a hero until almost absolute power turned him a dictator
José Alberto "Pepe" Mujica Cordano, president, Uraguay, has been described as "the world's humblest head of state" due to his austere lifestyle and his donation of around 90 percent of his $12,000 monthly salary to charities that benefit poor people and small entrepreneurs
Ferdinand Marcos, president, Philippines, ruled a rising economy but ended being branded the most corrupted, extravagance and brutal regime
History remembers the most hated and the most loved leaders
Winners get to write history
Leaders must care and share & 'sacrifice' for his/her people
Man will die for their leaders because of trust and confidence
Of course, it's country before self...taxing, milking and squeezing every drop in the name of "preparing for the future" is totally absurd
How do you save when you are hardly able to live? A hungry man is an angry man
The world’s richest people have seen their share of the globe’s total wealth increase from 42.5% at the height of the 2008 financial crisis to 50.1% in 2017, or $140tn (£106tn), according to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report published on Tuesday. The globe’s richest 1% own half the world’s wealth (report - 2017)
The world's poor has little to none to eat because the rich compounded wastages
Trickle down economics do not help the poor
Many anarchy, revolutionaries and rebellions occur after years of suppression; it's an implosion
The people can take the punches but like all things, the elasticity has limit
It is not why did it happen but when...
Why did the HKers take to the streets and still refused to stop? Why did the Malaysians voted for a change? Why did UK opt to leave the EU?
There is a limit to poverty-sharing; it is the sharing of misfortunes, not prosperity
Strangely, the wealthy, famous and powerful somehow forgot the meaning of "sharing"
You can take more but you cannot take all
The Arab Spring exploded over a minor incident ; the/a tiny match can burn a forest
Nobody wants anarchy
Nobody seeks to destroy a peaceful environment
But, the evil will inevitably light the fuse of oppression and suppression
Self-destruction comes after reasons are thrown out of the windows
There is no reasons in an emotional implosion
Let us keep the lights of hope and peace burning
....before the light burnt out
Who is the servant and who is the master cannot be calibrated; it is the natural order of living
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Money & Cheese Are Equally Stink
tearing may not be that bad afterall ...
Shedding tears lighten the heart
Whoever said that Man cannot tears? It's a human way of washing away sorrows & unpleasantness
It is unlikely that there is no sorrows in life
The loss of a love one, reputation, job, belongings or something dear that went missing - burns
But, if you cannot let go, you'd be forever burdened
Let today's problem stay...tomorrow is (re)fresh
There is no time to carry the weight of unhappiness and bitterness
Defeats and failures are just the opposite of winnings and success
Sometimes, failure prevent further and greater disasters & trappings ahead of you
Not doing may not be the worse
Two seemingly perfect persons may get together and settle down but as interests part so will the heart
At times, it's familiarity that breeds contempt
Whatever you set out to achieve; GO! Strike with a single mind and inexhaustive efforts
There is no time to look back and little room for regrets
If you don't try hard enough and dig in more adventures, you may have no stories to tell by old age
How you fail and how you succeed are equally educational to any newbies
Better to have "been there, done that" than to look back with regrets & hollow recalls
Tomorrow is never promised; do it now, today
This year has slightly more than three months to go; a 100+ days
What have been achieved to date? Little...could have been better
The path ahead is always unknown but the route is decided by you & you alone
September is the best time to crystalize your dreams as the weather cools and your mind is calm
Whatever fits
Just give yourself the best; your best shot to push you nearer to success
September morning will turn cold into winter
When Autumn leaves, Winter arrives and 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 by then, it's casted into ice
I don't believe in Fate as I believe, I am the Decider
Cast away the doubts and bring forward the success and harvest
The poor man remains poor because he harp over his poverty
The smart man climb out of poverty because his efforts are spent on finding his "Cheese" - the smell of money stinks & so are Cheese
Shedding tears lighten the heart
Whoever said that Man cannot tears? It's a human way of washing away sorrows & unpleasantness
It is unlikely that there is no sorrows in life
The loss of a love one, reputation, job, belongings or something dear that went missing - burns
But, if you cannot let go, you'd be forever burdened
Let today's problem stay...tomorrow is (re)fresh
There is no time to carry the weight of unhappiness and bitterness
Defeats and failures are just the opposite of winnings and success
Sometimes, failure prevent further and greater disasters & trappings ahead of you
Not doing may not be the worse
Two seemingly perfect persons may get together and settle down but as interests part so will the heart
At times, it's familiarity that breeds contempt
Whatever you set out to achieve; GO! Strike with a single mind and inexhaustive efforts
There is no time to look back and little room for regrets
If you don't try hard enough and dig in more adventures, you may have no stories to tell by old age
How you fail and how you succeed are equally educational to any newbies
Better to have "been there, done that" than to look back with regrets & hollow recalls
Tomorrow is never promised; do it now, today
This year has slightly more than three months to go; a 100+ days
What have been achieved to date? Little...could have been better
The path ahead is always unknown but the route is decided by you & you alone
September is the best time to crystalize your dreams as the weather cools and your mind is calm
Whatever fits
Just give yourself the best; your best shot to push you nearer to success
September morning will turn cold into winter
When Autumn leaves, Winter arrives and 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 by then, it's casted into ice
I don't believe in Fate as I believe, I am the Decider
Cast away the doubts and bring forward the success and harvest
The poor man remains poor because he harp over his poverty
The smart man climb out of poverty because his efforts are spent on finding his "Cheese" - the smell of money stinks & so are Cheese
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Autumn - The Time To Be
when autumn arrives ...
When romance sprouts in September (May-September Romance), tongues wag
Especially if a younger man weds a more senior woman than the reverse
It is not just unorthodox but the physiological advancement of the lady makes child bearing a little more challenging
But, love is blind and romance knows no age-bar
The old notion that child-bearing is a necessity should evaporates over time
When Autumn comes, plants begin to shed their leaves to conserve and prepare for winter
Autumn is a time to harvest, reflect and catch up with the magic of crystalizing your dreams & plans
After nine months of hard work, the baby arrives & so must the rewards of your efforts
If your Resolutions didn't come close to fruition, there is still time to change course
Repeating the same solutions to an existing problem do not lead to answers
I love Autumn, also known as Fall, where the weather cools & it's the transition from summer into winter
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
The falling leaves remind that life is temporary yet resourceful
Gives up some as the old fade away and the new shall return in due course
Repairs and fresh energy will always rekindle an aging body
Rejoice; our body (cell) replaces itself and makes us better - We will win
Apart from harvesting丰收时辰, Autumn is also the time to slow down
To let the body recharges and the Soul to reenergize
It is the season to replenish, restock and getting ready for winter
Autumn is a timely reminder to be prepared for exigencies and the challenge winter brings
Be prepared as always
Even the leaf struggle against the elements
We survive in any environment; hot, cold, wintry
Human, like all living things, fight to survive
It's a natural instincts
Survival of the fittest and the Rules of the Jungle are fast applied to Mankind
Selfishness, greed and space constraints are disrupting the ecosystem
Like rats in a cubicle; they'll fight to survive
Unless, and until, Mankind learn and practice compassion and care, living conditions will not be any better
Will Man self destruct? Guess, commonsense is no longer commonly available
When it should end, it will
But, Winter never comes suddenly
Autumn is here to remind ALL to be prepared
Be good, be nice, be compassionate and be prepared
Tomorrow is never promised but tomorrow shall come
Like Sunrise and Sunset, the Evil shall be destroyed long before the world implodes
When the Spirit is willing, the Mind delivers
When romance sprouts in September (May-September Romance), tongues wag
Especially if a younger man weds a more senior woman than the reverse
It is not just unorthodox but the physiological advancement of the lady makes child bearing a little more challenging
But, love is blind and romance knows no age-bar
The old notion that child-bearing is a necessity should evaporates over time
When Autumn comes, plants begin to shed their leaves to conserve and prepare for winter
Autumn is a time to harvest, reflect and catch up with the magic of crystalizing your dreams & plans
After nine months of hard work, the baby arrives & so must the rewards of your efforts
If your Resolutions didn't come close to fruition, there is still time to change course
Repeating the same solutions to an existing problem do not lead to answers
I love Autumn, also known as Fall, where the weather cools & it's the transition from summer into winter
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
The falling leaves remind that life is temporary yet resourceful
Gives up some as the old fade away and the new shall return in due course
Repairs and fresh energy will always rekindle an aging body
Rejoice; our body (cell) replaces itself and makes us better - We will win
Apart from harvesting丰收时辰, Autumn is also the time to slow down
To let the body recharges and the Soul to reenergize
It is the season to replenish, restock and getting ready for winter
Autumn is a timely reminder to be prepared for exigencies and the challenge winter brings
Be prepared as always
Even the leaf struggle against the elements
We survive in any environment; hot, cold, wintry
Human, like all living things, fight to survive
It's a natural instincts
Survival of the fittest and the Rules of the Jungle are fast applied to Mankind
Selfishness, greed and space constraints are disrupting the ecosystem
Like rats in a cubicle; they'll fight to survive
Unless, and until, Mankind learn and practice compassion and care, living conditions will not be any better
Will Man self destruct? Guess, commonsense is no longer commonly available
When it should end, it will
But, Winter never comes suddenly
Autumn is here to remind ALL to be prepared
Be good, be nice, be compassionate and be prepared
Tomorrow is never promised but tomorrow shall come
Like Sunrise and Sunset, the Evil shall be destroyed long before the world implodes
When the Spirit is willing, the Mind delivers
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