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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Undisturb Mind

 calming the imagined storm ...

“Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens millions of flowers every day without forcing their buds.” — Osho

How to remain calm in turbulence? It's almost impossible but you can dance in the breeze顺风航行

In the storm, the grand old oak tree fell but the blade of grass dances in the wind 

You can't swim against the tides nor can you walk past the hurricane; Nature's wrath is mercilessly destructive

Harmony is achieved via/by peaceful coexistence & going with the flow

和平共处 天助我也

Over time, everything becomes normal

War, famine, peace, abundance, pestilence, diseases...

In war, people value peace & in famine, food waste disappears

Man can complains about inconvenience and disruption but, if death & sickness are the only way out, Man will adjust & adapt

Money cannot buy health and time

Sleep enough, be positive and work towards your goal; rest with a strong mind, pilot you toward you desired objective

No goal is too far nor impossible within your capabilities

Believing you can is half the battle won

Expect the unexpected or expect nothing & there will be lesser disappointments

A life of 70-80years must be punctuated with constant maintenance & exercises

The body cannot function well without care; failing which it shall waste away

With health, the rest flow days & nights; you are as lively as your last breath

Do not stress the small stuffs & let the stress not stuck upon you

The poor man seek the basics of life while the rich man strives & stress to protect his achievements

Slow down, admire Nature - we are not slaved to work 

“Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still surface, and great depths of kindness.” - Lao Tzu

Before the big match, before your examination or before an important appointment, the calm mind devoid of distractions win the day 

Time is my best friend

I cannot win by rushing when the time is not ripe


GOD willing, I will succeed

Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Promising Future Awaits You

 the uncertain future is positive ...

It's almost one year into Covid-19 & there are still no clear signs that "all shalt pass"

However, while many has gotten used to the new normal; adopt & adapt to survive & prosper

There is the untold stress of being locked-in but it's loosening ... to allow breathing & social spaces

There are no brave people in the heat of the disease spreading - Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed -
Isaiah 26:20

Defying Nature is everyone's folly ; the earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, wild fires, floods

Avoid the paths of wrath & live to see another day; GOD willing

辛苦 心不能苦  活在当下  雨过天晴

The successful people use lull time to upskill, reskill, learn another trade or refine his skillsets

Be ready, be prepared, stay calm & sharpen up your knowledge & applications & when opportunities present, pounced

Time & tides wait for no man & passes whether its happy, sad or wild

The crack of daylight is the brightest just as drops of water in the desert saves lives

The wise lives to tell a tale while the fool's word-worthy is crafted on the stone 

One breathes on while the other had his last breath

留得青山在 不怕没柴烧


The world's economy has collapsed & shrunk 

Few countries, if any, will end the year positive but...

That's only normal after years of expansion except for the speed of shrinking is calamitous & impactful

Singapore is no exception but its a "blessing in disguise"; SG was late to innovate & adopt newer, revolutionary techs, AI, eCommerce & medi-techs & with global slowdown and the US/China tradewars, many overseas companies are resettling onto our soil to benefit from our near neutral position

Policy makers will do well to allow more leeway to innovate and adapt & be less paternalistic with rules & Bye-laws. The future is here & most companies are highly mobile... eSolutions will make the world more borderless 

Any dogma to remain unchanged or to police paternalistically will only send NewTechs away from our shores

The printing of (paper) monies will usher in inflation & gold may again reign

Worse, stagflation will kill an already slow global economy

Forget the past & begin again


A wholly new working ecosystem will evolve after Covid where fewer days are spent in office & work from home rules

The need to commute (transport)  will ease and self-contained township development becomes a new norm : the vertical city will emerge where commerce meets residential meets leisure

Landscape changes include how food is distributed, processed & consumed; pre-prepared, prepacked & ready to serve packages distributed by AI-driverless delivery will be the norm

Safehaven countries with political stability will prosper

It's not a time to rejoice but definitely a time to adjust to a new normal

When the whole world is suffering the same fate, there is no need to bury in sorrows 

Innovate into a whole new world where internet rules & be prepared

In any event, if a war breaks out, it will be the war to end all wars

After half the global population is nuke-off, the world will be a better place as the/a lesson well taught will be well learnt

Are you prepared? A promising future awaits you

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Comeback Victory Tastes Sweeter

the best car cannot run on empty fuels...

Time and again, people are disappointed because promises were not fulfilled

But, between GOD & Man, cash is the most trustworthy; cash can buy for promises, not the reverse

Money is the root of most evil yet the church ask for money

Money stinks yet money is the only item that is widely recycled without prompting


Money buys the best promises & deliver almost everything

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.” - Colin Powell

When you are tired, rest; the journey ahead is long & uncharted

Taking a break allows everyone to ease a little, reflect & reroute a possibly wrong direction

Chasing the rainbow is a fool's goal; there is no pot of gold at the end of either side

Positive advises are aplenty but few are adopted & practiced

Live well & fight your own battles; followers die without knowing the causes

You will be missed you after you depart ...memory

 “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” - Colin Powell

The world is turbulent, filled with half truths and misinformation

Never believe the first thing you hear nor see in this distorted world

Fighting back is always tougher but giving up meant non-returns

Be patient, learn a lesson or two during lull, be prepared yet lie low; when opportunity presents, pounce

I know well; it's tire fighting & chasing everyday - chasing a dream is an arduous task

Some battery also becomes flat

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking - Zen

Recovery is not a race...the mental & physical need to balance & ready

Rest if you must, but never quit

Sometimes, I wonder if I was stuck at 'ground zero' but if I am, many could have been worse - a self-consolation

A fool, a blind follower & a die-hard loyal will never change their mind nor course

Living others' dream is the worst; when you awaken, you are nearer the grave


There is no magic cure, no making it all go away forever. There are only small steps upward; an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter anymore. I am thawing.”  - ― Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls

Work on all that you desire, however slow

A step at a time that turns days into months & recovery is in sight

Everything is easier after achieved - just ask any winners

I am recovering from a long shot setback - it pushes me back but it's not gonna kill me

I am who I am; the incurable positive - comeback victory tastes sweeter - metamorphosis of a butterfly

It was an ugly caterpillar, turned pupa before breaking out to display its beautiful wings. There again, when it crawls out of the pupa, its legs and wings are wet. Nobody should help nor hurriedly push it out for Nature requires it to stretch & slowly dry out before it can fly & display her grace





Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Beautiful Tomorrow Awaits You

fighting to stay alive in uncertainties...

There is no retreat in uncertainties but avoiding the paths of destruction allow survival

As the world gets smaller, the need for territorial ringfencing, protection & domination rise

Few, if not "NO one", is/are prepared to share; Man destroy Nature to selfishly exploit the land

COVID is a stark reminder that when Nature strikes back, Man has no retreat but be destroyed mercilessly

Unfortunately, Nature doesn't gives warning nor is merciful; worse, Man will destroys men

Only the honest, compassionate, life-loving persons will survive Nature's wraths

7.2bil persons on Earth are not too many but the rich, powerful and ruthless, together with their apparatuses & cronies will be destroyed in the next Coming

Half is (will be) destroyed if nukes fly as diseases do not wipe out that many & poverty, crops & land destruction will "drain off"  another half

After 2-3years post-destruction, Man would have adapted, adjusted & lived within his means & helping one another is a key to survival

Will above happen? If it happens, it's the result of Man's greed & selfishness, not GOD's doing

The world is nearer a nuke war with US sabre-rattling & Trump's intent to remain in Presidency despite losing the election; a war will allow him to be the War President without the need to handover to the new winner

Taiwan is less likely to be the war catalyst but India will be mad enough to allow the US to ignite the powder keg

When, and if, provoked, China will hit the source rather than just the conduit

There is nothing to worry as it's not within the ordinary man's control

Live your best, live happily and healthily 

When everything blow over, a new world shall rise


The comfort of the world is "it's blessed by Mother Nature with abundance"

There are more than enough to go around & foods are available for all

Industrialization, technology, AI & man-made desires complicate the basics of life

When farms are industrialized, fowls, cattle, sheep, livestock, food are engineered to meet demands

Their DNAs & habits are re-engineered to expedite growth & GMO food with their genome altered & pesticides poison the food chain - RIRO - Rubbish In, Rubbish Out

Man must emancipate their minds to free the world again &, by extension, free himself

The future is refreshing, rewarding and have abundance

Live and let live    






Thursday, November 12, 2020

Talking My Way To Victory

 so long as you are alive, there is a chance...

Live simply

Nobody dies living simply & with basics :  water, shelter, food, clothing

Poverty is not that there are not enough to go around but the top hoard & waste while the mid-to-lower are deprived of the distributions

Wealth & food are hoarded by the rich & powerful

More than half of the $16.7 trillion in new wealth was in the U.S., which grew $8.5 trillion richer. But that wealth around the world is increasingly concentrated among those at the top. 
The top 1 percent now owns 50.1 percent of the world's wealth, up from 45.5 percent in 2001 - Nov 14, 2017

Some day, the world will go to war over drinking water

The world is becoming poorer as 99% shares 49.9% of the world's wealth

At extremes, more die of hunger due to the lack of accessibility to food and clean water than lack of...

There is no need to fear adversity especially if it affects everybody

If it's everybody's problem, then it's universal - no single person need to be burdened by shared problems

When major earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis strike... stay away from their destructive paths

Luck is with all those who need not die

When nukes (wars) strike, even if you are enjoying the "peace of shitting"/toilet, you die; there is no running away for those within the radiation circumference

The evil cast their outreach to maim and destroy yet the innocents suffer;  the worldly worries are not you nor me


In any scenario, create positive environment & move away from deadwood, critiques & naysayers

Count your blessings and small wins & surround yourself with motivated, positive people

The secret of achievements is not giving up nor be buried by weaker, blame-searching souls

Spend your time to look for solutions instead of delving into the problems and witch-hunting

Energy must be well spent & positively expended

Nobody will shed tears for your in defeat but the world will cheer you in victory

Share the joys, the laughter and the crowning glory

Live every day like it's the last & you live heavenly


“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” - Vince Lombardi

What's with all the hue and cry when the good times return and you are not there

Stay on, be calm & be prepared; when opportunity presents, pounce 

Having no money is not a problem; with health, you can go in search for money

Being born poor is not a curse but dying poor is your own doing

We each have our own dream and we waddle differently towards our goals条条大路通罗马...someday, somehow, we will make it

GOD never decide your destiny but you : Providence is part written & mostly work to crystalize

"Don’t count the days; make the days count." - Mohammed Ali

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Mohammed Ali

Finally, COVID has made many impossibles, possible

I shall build up my health & return to the stage again

The slow pace isn't a poison, the determined & potent mind conquer all 

Sooner rather than later, the world will smiles with me - The Winner

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Your Vibrant Self Attracts Others

be happy whatever happens ...

There are just too much uncertainties & variables that cause abrupt changes

Fear not as if you don't know, why worry? There're simply no basis

Whatever must happen, will happen

Expect the unexpected and the lower (to nil) expectation, the lesser the disappointment

如果该发生的 应该已经在路上了

Ant Financial wanted to raise us$34bil (IPO) & was grossly oversubscribed to the tune of >us$10trn

Many were disappointed that they didn't get any allotment but two days before listing, the listing was scrapped; nobody is any wiser

The biggest loser is Jack Ma; an almost No 1 billionaire in China

In this trying period, stay calm, retrain & be ready, mark your with eagle eyes & when opportunity presents, pounce

Covid is faceless; anyone can be infected & the recovery is not assured though many regain their health

The longer term side effects on various organs is still unproven but definitely fatal - an incremental chance of making existing illnesses worse

While we remain careful, healthy and practice good hygiene, we cannot discount the element of surprise 'attack' - in GOD's hands

Being born and the time of death are "never a choice" - life is finite & the end is a surprise

Death the leveller - the only equality in Mankind

"I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.” - Isaac Newton

Any worthy leader will live a simple life and have patience and compassion for his fellowmen & the world will be a better place to live in

“A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will be of service throughout your life.” - Winston Churchill

Speaking the truths and act truthfully are virtues of a good leader. The commoners do not make demands but are pleased to pass the days with minimum to nil disruptions. Costs of living & taxes are the biggest disruption & potent forces for changes

“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy.” – Cynthia Nelms

Happiness & being happy is a state of mind that's found within ourselves. When you were born, you cried while your family members & friends cheered loudly. When you die, your family & friends cries while you lie there motionless, emotionless & your chapter ends. It is clear that others' laughters & tears are not yours. . . & you'd soon be forgotten

Stay positive, be healthy, be happy ...for your vibrant self attracts others

The world loves a Winner 

Live heavenly when you are on Earth; do not seek heaven nor hell after you pass on as every chapter is different & nobody has return to prove that there is heaven or hell

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...