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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Undisturb Mind

 calming the imagined storm ...

“Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens millions of flowers every day without forcing their buds.” — Osho

How to remain calm in turbulence? It's almost impossible but you can dance in the breeze顺风航行

In the storm, the grand old oak tree fell but the blade of grass dances in the wind 

You can't swim against the tides nor can you walk past the hurricane; Nature's wrath is mercilessly destructive

Harmony is achieved via/by peaceful coexistence & going with the flow

和平共处 天助我也

Over time, everything becomes normal

War, famine, peace, abundance, pestilence, diseases...

In war, people value peace & in famine, food waste disappears

Man can complains about inconvenience and disruption but, if death & sickness are the only way out, Man will adjust & adapt

Money cannot buy health and time

Sleep enough, be positive and work towards your goal; rest with a strong mind, pilot you toward you desired objective

No goal is too far nor impossible within your capabilities

Believing you can is half the battle won

Expect the unexpected or expect nothing & there will be lesser disappointments

A life of 70-80years must be punctuated with constant maintenance & exercises

The body cannot function well without care; failing which it shall waste away

With health, the rest flow days & nights; you are as lively as your last breath

Do not stress the small stuffs & let the stress not stuck upon you

The poor man seek the basics of life while the rich man strives & stress to protect his achievements

Slow down, admire Nature - we are not slaved to work 

“Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still surface, and great depths of kindness.” - Lao Tzu

Before the big match, before your examination or before an important appointment, the calm mind devoid of distractions win the day 

Time is my best friend

I cannot win by rushing when the time is not ripe


GOD willing, I will succeed

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