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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Your Vibrant Self Attracts Others

be happy whatever happens ...

There are just too much uncertainties & variables that cause abrupt changes

Fear not as if you don't know, why worry? There're simply no basis

Whatever must happen, will happen

Expect the unexpected and the lower (to nil) expectation, the lesser the disappointment

如果该发生的 应该已经在路上了

Ant Financial wanted to raise us$34bil (IPO) & was grossly oversubscribed to the tune of >us$10trn

Many were disappointed that they didn't get any allotment but two days before listing, the listing was scrapped; nobody is any wiser

The biggest loser is Jack Ma; an almost No 1 billionaire in China

In this trying period, stay calm, retrain & be ready, mark your with eagle eyes & when opportunity presents, pounce

Covid is faceless; anyone can be infected & the recovery is not assured though many regain their health

The longer term side effects on various organs is still unproven but definitely fatal - an incremental chance of making existing illnesses worse

While we remain careful, healthy and practice good hygiene, we cannot discount the element of surprise 'attack' - in GOD's hands

Being born and the time of death are "never a choice" - life is finite & the end is a surprise

Death the leveller - the only equality in Mankind

"I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.” - Isaac Newton

Any worthy leader will live a simple life and have patience and compassion for his fellowmen & the world will be a better place to live in

“A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will be of service throughout your life.” - Winston Churchill

Speaking the truths and act truthfully are virtues of a good leader. The commoners do not make demands but are pleased to pass the days with minimum to nil disruptions. Costs of living & taxes are the biggest disruption & potent forces for changes

“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy.” – Cynthia Nelms

Happiness & being happy is a state of mind that's found within ourselves. When you were born, you cried while your family members & friends cheered loudly. When you die, your family & friends cries while you lie there motionless, emotionless & your chapter ends. It is clear that others' laughters & tears are not yours. . . & you'd soon be forgotten

Stay positive, be healthy, be happy ...for your vibrant self attracts others

The world loves a Winner 

Live heavenly when you are on Earth; do not seek heaven nor hell after you pass on as every chapter is different & nobody has return to prove that there is heaven or hell

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