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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Comeback Victory Tastes Sweeter

the best car cannot run on empty fuels...

Time and again, people are disappointed because promises were not fulfilled

But, between GOD & Man, cash is the most trustworthy; cash can buy for promises, not the reverse

Money is the root of most evil yet the church ask for money

Money stinks yet money is the only item that is widely recycled without prompting


Money buys the best promises & deliver almost everything

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.” - Colin Powell

When you are tired, rest; the journey ahead is long & uncharted

Taking a break allows everyone to ease a little, reflect & reroute a possibly wrong direction

Chasing the rainbow is a fool's goal; there is no pot of gold at the end of either side

Positive advises are aplenty but few are adopted & practiced

Live well & fight your own battles; followers die without knowing the causes

You will be missed you after you depart ...memory

 “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” - Colin Powell

The world is turbulent, filled with half truths and misinformation

Never believe the first thing you hear nor see in this distorted world

Fighting back is always tougher but giving up meant non-returns

Be patient, learn a lesson or two during lull, be prepared yet lie low; when opportunity presents, pounce

I know well; it's tire fighting & chasing everyday - chasing a dream is an arduous task

Some battery also becomes flat

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking - Zen

Recovery is not a race...the mental & physical need to balance & ready

Rest if you must, but never quit

Sometimes, I wonder if I was stuck at 'ground zero' but if I am, many could have been worse - a self-consolation

A fool, a blind follower & a die-hard loyal will never change their mind nor course

Living others' dream is the worst; when you awaken, you are nearer the grave


There is no magic cure, no making it all go away forever. There are only small steps upward; an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter anymore. I am thawing.”  - ― Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls

Work on all that you desire, however slow

A step at a time that turns days into months & recovery is in sight

Everything is easier after achieved - just ask any winners

I am recovering from a long shot setback - it pushes me back but it's not gonna kill me

I am who I am; the incurable positive - comeback victory tastes sweeter - metamorphosis of a butterfly

It was an ugly caterpillar, turned pupa before breaking out to display its beautiful wings. There again, when it crawls out of the pupa, its legs and wings are wet. Nobody should help nor hurriedly push it out for Nature requires it to stretch & slowly dry out before it can fly & display her grace





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