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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Crucial Decisions

the mind is ticking away ...


This year 2020 is exceptional - it started normal but shall ends in a new normal

Many "impossibles" became "possibles" - there are abstract warnings to Mankind to repent & restore

Repent and stop destroying Mother Nature for the wrathes of Nature is merciless & decisive

Nation against nation, man versus man, family versus family ...the selfish mind knows no conscience

Winning is everything & winning at any costs destroys

When sanity gives way to greed, violence and anarchy ensue

The winds of destruction will wipe out Man; only few will be spared to perpetuate a new Generation

The New Age will be peaceful, compassionate, cooperative and caring - selflessly fending for one another

The world will be less crowded and non-intimidating as the vicious & cruel are eliminated by their own self-destructive acts

Man proposes, GOD disposes

Food & resources are abundance but hoarding by the wealthy few create famine & shortages, made worse by the disruptive & inefficient distribution channels

The average commoners are pliant, obedient, happy-go-lucky and indifferent to the overarching Laws, costs of living and enjoy simple living

They enjoy their no-frills lives

Live and let live

Revolutions are the result of suppression, oppression and deprivation & a nonchalant catalyst sparks all

Nobody wants anarchy

There is no perfect ideology; capitalism, socialism, communism - at extremes, it's all for themselves, by themselves, with themselves


At every turn of history & calamities, a new leader is born 

The natural leader leads by example, is selfless, farsighted and cares for the lots' fortunes

No inherited leadership can gain everlasting, unquestioned support 

Power, fame, money are finite - when the season's over, the pains double

胜者为王  人死留名 虎死留皮

History is written by winners

2020 is a leveller ; everything, almost anything, level down

A new normal will emerge in 2021 & life will never be the same again

The world will be smaller & the globe spins faster as more are done via eLink(internet)

Survival of the fittest will be the motto, going forward

Fittest refer to positive minds, adaptability, nimbleness, decisiveness ... & winning is temporary

Challenges, conquers and conquests interwine - keep your winnings & live another day

Man will move away from being a social animal to become more guarded - days of "living in the cave" returns  

The squirrel syndrome - hunt for food, collect, bring home, enjoy the harvest & home warmth, relax & relief... feed on the collections until finished, hunt again

Man will work to survive and not survive to work

As the trust in currency (paper money) evaporates, eCurrency & barter trades become the norm

Arable land, food basins & farmable oceans will be reduced & the solutions are vertical farmable apparatuses - the storied food factories

Not GMO food, though


The change has arrived & shalt be a permanent constant

Adopt, adapt, be fluid & swift - tomorrow is never promised

But, tomorrow shalt be better






nothing can bend the mind..

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