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Monday, December 21, 2020

Dreams Need No Responsibility

fairy tales are dream-made ...

Winter solstice - as the weather walks into the cold

It's time to rest, reflect, rejuvenate and take life easy

One year ago & one year later 

Life changes most in year 2020

Every & many impossibles were made possible

COVID has changed how lives are conducted & the economic landscape have changed dramatically

The cold weather is ideal breeding grounds for the virus, including mutation

Man must refrain from polluting & destroying the environment but ...alas!

Man has enough nuke weapons to self-destruct 

Their follies, selfishness, arrogance & greed are perfect igniting factors 


Dreams are best as they are void of responsibilities; to fly in the dream, to reach the stars, the maim your opponents, to force the King to kneel before you, to eat to your heart's delight... to get wet & dirty

 When life is challenged & there seemed no solutions, worry not

Fulfill your basic needs; air, water, food & shelter

Breath well & stay healthy, drink from the tap, one meal a day & shelter from the elements

Like day & night, all shalt pass & recovering from the pit is a "done deal"

However, difficult it may seem, there is lights soon

Dreams are powered-up motivators

Who dares win

Many have awaken & resume their climbs and conquests


Why do you think we have dreams & fairy tales? These are powered motivators

If you don't die, you live to conquer new frontiers

All fairy tales have happy endings & so do comics & dreams

I love to extend my dreams... get back to sleep asap, even trying to change the course in my dreams

Silly? Mad? Unreal? Why do I need to be real in dreams? Just enjoy the impossibles

Getting up again is so refreshing not unlike slaying the evil dragons

I love my make-believe self; sneaking into my cocoon to recharge & defeat all the bads

I live to fight another day; GOD willing

In this trying times, be ready & willing to let go 

What is not yours shalt never be

Whatever is yours该来的总是会来  , you cannot avoid 兵来将挡水来土掩

Nothing kills you if your time is not up

The future is yours to build and conquer & dreams need no responsibility & is the best decoy

Dreams move the spirit away from defeats & craft defenses not usually available to a vivid mind

If tomorrow comes...









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