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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Brutal Truths

 realities hurt...

What you want may not be what you get; at least, it may not be fully satisfied

Many try their best within their abilities but some say "your best is not good enough"! Alas, even the elastic rubber bands snap

Dreams are leads to goals but you gonna get up and work on it

Achievements will come, maybe not today but some days soon

 Be aware & ready to accept that we are all made different

You are made for better things & more beautiful, rewarding returns

The calm, calculated & inexhaustive mind moves mountains

Nobody can force you to do things that you don't want to ...greed & foolishness aside 

There is no time for regrets as energies are best utilize at upending for better results

Don't cry over spilled milk


When the chips are down, lie low

Some days, I am totally drenched

At others, I was hung up & dry/dried

No mercy nor retreat were in sight but with grit, calmness & indifference, much can be overcame

What can be worse than dead? Nothing

Like stupidity, the dead don't feel any more as the stupids never think they are wrong & suffer no fallout nor side effects


How do you tell your loved ones that your days are dated? Be cool & calculated; speak calmly & with authority that "being born & dying" is never a choice

Trust GOD for He is the Decider but remember to stay healthy, fit and safe; He cannot deliver you if you are dead as dodo

Make comfort & convenience for others as it/they make yours easier & your life lighter

We can't fight Nature's wrathes as Mother nature punished Man for destroying the entire ecosystem

Typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods...cleanse the environment

Earthquakes, fires redistribute & recreate arable land 

With vanity, greed & selfishness, Man has overbuilt & the few (5%) controls the mass (95%) 


The trust in GOD has slowly but surely dissipated & thinned out

Is this picturesque, serene & calm or is it deserted, lifeless & void? Water is the source of life & there is life & serenity

If you don't push the boundaries, you will always be stucked 

If you fear, your world is decidedly restricted

If you don't fight for your rights & dreams, you will be living another person's goal

Do not be deceived by what you see or think

What the mind thinks, it achieves

心有多大 舞台就多大 

没有做不到的 只有还没想到

The chinese character "人" is a simple two strokes 

These two legs help you walk, see & conquer the world

Life is meant to be easy but made complicated by philosophers & historians

The philosophers write ideals which are near perfection & non-existent while history is written by winners & winning at all costs is what matters

I would put these two subjects under Fiction Ad Infinitum 

The truths is Man must live harmoniously with each other

Anything beyond this, Mankind self-destructs

Truths and realities are always more painful but not necessarily cruel




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