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Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Quality Of Today & Everyday

 more days ahead for discovery...

Never mind the colds & wintry winds

Survivors come in all cuts and sizes

The blade of grass is more sturdy than the great oak tree in the wintry breeze

All living things seek retreat when weakest or when the ecosystem is most threatened

Winter is the time to slow down, recharge, review the year & prepare forward

Nothing is impossible when 2021 arrives where the whole new normal landscape begins

Whatever were thought of as impossibles are changed, reformed and evolved

Work from home, put on masks to enter secure(ity) areas, social distancing, Q-to-shop, eSolutions domination, eBanking & video conferencing are new normals

6 more days to go before 2020 is out

But, that's a long >600,000 seconds to go

If you stop breathing, you loss them all

From planting the seeds to the early signs of a sapling growing takes time

The sampling grew into full bloom with flowers before any fruits will ever surface

Mother Nature craftily creates & time is the essence

Like everything else, we are always in a hurry; racing towards the ending line

The metamorphosis of the butterfly, from egg, larva, pupa into butterfly, takes about 6-8weeks before the grandeur color finally appear

In a crisis, stay cool, calm & moves less

Cut to the minimal... drink & eat enough, rest more, maneuver lesser

When light returns, surface

Blessed are those who survive the crisis; few survive swimming against the tides  

不用 天长地久 只求 要用就有

The people rejoice over the death of the oppressor just as you rejoice at the chance to recover

There is no need to win the battle but losses the war


However difficult 2020 was, many will make it through with minimal disruption

Discomforts require adaption while extended issues require a little more patience and time  

7 more days "is a long time" as the arrival of 2021 will add & refresh a further 365

Live the qualities, not the quantity

Today is 平安夜 peaceful day as everyday should be too

Many celebrate Good Friday but my every Fridays are good

The undertone is "Be Greatful & Forever Hopeful"

Comes whatever may, stay cheerful, healthy and safe

There are many days ahead...& you must be there to savor it

Monday, December 21, 2020

Dreams Need No Responsibility

fairy tales are dream-made ...

Winter solstice - as the weather walks into the cold

It's time to rest, reflect, rejuvenate and take life easy

One year ago & one year later 

Life changes most in year 2020

Every & many impossibles were made possible

COVID has changed how lives are conducted & the economic landscape have changed dramatically

The cold weather is ideal breeding grounds for the virus, including mutation

Man must refrain from polluting & destroying the environment but ...alas!

Man has enough nuke weapons to self-destruct 

Their follies, selfishness, arrogance & greed are perfect igniting factors 


Dreams are best as they are void of responsibilities; to fly in the dream, to reach the stars, the maim your opponents, to force the King to kneel before you, to eat to your heart's delight... to get wet & dirty

 When life is challenged & there seemed no solutions, worry not

Fulfill your basic needs; air, water, food & shelter

Breath well & stay healthy, drink from the tap, one meal a day & shelter from the elements

Like day & night, all shalt pass & recovering from the pit is a "done deal"

However, difficult it may seem, there is lights soon

Dreams are powered-up motivators

Who dares win

Many have awaken & resume their climbs and conquests


Why do you think we have dreams & fairy tales? These are powered motivators

If you don't die, you live to conquer new frontiers

All fairy tales have happy endings & so do comics & dreams

I love to extend my dreams... get back to sleep asap, even trying to change the course in my dreams

Silly? Mad? Unreal? Why do I need to be real in dreams? Just enjoy the impossibles

Getting up again is so refreshing not unlike slaying the evil dragons

I love my make-believe self; sneaking into my cocoon to recharge & defeat all the bads

I live to fight another day; GOD willing

In this trying times, be ready & willing to let go 

What is not yours shalt never be

Whatever is yours该来的总是会来  , you cannot avoid 兵来将挡水来土掩

Nothing kills you if your time is not up

The future is yours to build and conquer & dreams need no responsibility & is the best decoy

Dreams move the spirit away from defeats & craft defenses not usually available to a vivid mind

If tomorrow comes...









Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Brutal Truths

 realities hurt...

What you want may not be what you get; at least, it may not be fully satisfied

Many try their best within their abilities but some say "your best is not good enough"! Alas, even the elastic rubber bands snap

Dreams are leads to goals but you gonna get up and work on it

Achievements will come, maybe not today but some days soon

 Be aware & ready to accept that we are all made different

You are made for better things & more beautiful, rewarding returns

The calm, calculated & inexhaustive mind moves mountains

Nobody can force you to do things that you don't want to ...greed & foolishness aside 

There is no time for regrets as energies are best utilize at upending for better results

Don't cry over spilled milk


When the chips are down, lie low

Some days, I am totally drenched

At others, I was hung up & dry/dried

No mercy nor retreat were in sight but with grit, calmness & indifference, much can be overcame

What can be worse than dead? Nothing

Like stupidity, the dead don't feel any more as the stupids never think they are wrong & suffer no fallout nor side effects


How do you tell your loved ones that your days are dated? Be cool & calculated; speak calmly & with authority that "being born & dying" is never a choice

Trust GOD for He is the Decider but remember to stay healthy, fit and safe; He cannot deliver you if you are dead as dodo

Make comfort & convenience for others as it/they make yours easier & your life lighter

We can't fight Nature's wrathes as Mother nature punished Man for destroying the entire ecosystem

Typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods...cleanse the environment

Earthquakes, fires redistribute & recreate arable land 

With vanity, greed & selfishness, Man has overbuilt & the few (5%) controls the mass (95%) 


The trust in GOD has slowly but surely dissipated & thinned out

Is this picturesque, serene & calm or is it deserted, lifeless & void? Water is the source of life & there is life & serenity

If you don't push the boundaries, you will always be stucked 

If you fear, your world is decidedly restricted

If you don't fight for your rights & dreams, you will be living another person's goal

Do not be deceived by what you see or think

What the mind thinks, it achieves

心有多大 舞台就多大 

没有做不到的 只有还没想到

The chinese character "人" is a simple two strokes 

These two legs help you walk, see & conquer the world

Life is meant to be easy but made complicated by philosophers & historians

The philosophers write ideals which are near perfection & non-existent while history is written by winners & winning at all costs is what matters

I would put these two subjects under Fiction Ad Infinitum 

The truths is Man must live harmoniously with each other

Anything beyond this, Mankind self-destructs

Truths and realities are always more painful but not necessarily cruel




Sunday, December 6, 2020

Crucial Decisions

the mind is ticking away ...


This year 2020 is exceptional - it started normal but shall ends in a new normal

Many "impossibles" became "possibles" - there are abstract warnings to Mankind to repent & restore

Repent and stop destroying Mother Nature for the wrathes of Nature is merciless & decisive

Nation against nation, man versus man, family versus family ...the selfish mind knows no conscience

Winning is everything & winning at any costs destroys

When sanity gives way to greed, violence and anarchy ensue

The winds of destruction will wipe out Man; only few will be spared to perpetuate a new Generation

The New Age will be peaceful, compassionate, cooperative and caring - selflessly fending for one another

The world will be less crowded and non-intimidating as the vicious & cruel are eliminated by their own self-destructive acts

Man proposes, GOD disposes

Food & resources are abundance but hoarding by the wealthy few create famine & shortages, made worse by the disruptive & inefficient distribution channels

The average commoners are pliant, obedient, happy-go-lucky and indifferent to the overarching Laws, costs of living and enjoy simple living

They enjoy their no-frills lives

Live and let live

Revolutions are the result of suppression, oppression and deprivation & a nonchalant catalyst sparks all

Nobody wants anarchy

There is no perfect ideology; capitalism, socialism, communism - at extremes, it's all for themselves, by themselves, with themselves


At every turn of history & calamities, a new leader is born 

The natural leader leads by example, is selfless, farsighted and cares for the lots' fortunes

No inherited leadership can gain everlasting, unquestioned support 

Power, fame, money are finite - when the season's over, the pains double

胜者为王  人死留名 虎死留皮

History is written by winners

2020 is a leveller ; everything, almost anything, level down

A new normal will emerge in 2021 & life will never be the same again

The world will be smaller & the globe spins faster as more are done via eLink(internet)

Survival of the fittest will be the motto, going forward

Fittest refer to positive minds, adaptability, nimbleness, decisiveness ... & winning is temporary

Challenges, conquers and conquests interwine - keep your winnings & live another day

Man will move away from being a social animal to become more guarded - days of "living in the cave" returns  

The squirrel syndrome - hunt for food, collect, bring home, enjoy the harvest & home warmth, relax & relief... feed on the collections until finished, hunt again

Man will work to survive and not survive to work

As the trust in currency (paper money) evaporates, eCurrency & barter trades become the norm

Arable land, food basins & farmable oceans will be reduced & the solutions are vertical farmable apparatuses - the storied food factories

Not GMO food, though


The change has arrived & shalt be a permanent constant

Adopt, adapt, be fluid & swift - tomorrow is never promised

But, tomorrow shalt be better






nothing can bend the mind..

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...