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Friday, March 26, 2021

Fight To Win

 blood & sweat don't matter...

Its not the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog that determines victory

If you decide to fight, then fight to win...

It doesn't help if you fight to show or fight half-heartedly; your opponent may be out to kill

The Winner-to-be needs to demonstrate that he is no easy meat & comes prepared; do or die

The fearless beats the feared

Nobody cares how you win as winning is everything; go ask a loser


When your chips are down, lie low 

More haste, less speed as an unprepared person has loads of inner doubts

When you are sick, slowdown & treat the illness; a healthy mind & body give mileage to the body

Recuperate, recharge & build up your body & health over time, don't expect miracles   

Regrets, self-blame and wallowing in self-pity never help

Why me... is a redundant question

When you are unwell, change your lifestyle to plan for recovery

It's not "cannot eat this, cannot eat that" but reduce & moderate the intake

Our body adjust to changing inputs & conditions; RIRO - Rubbish In, Rubbish Out 

Stopping your usual select of food cause 'shocks' to a crumbling physique, body & mind

The medical doctors suggest treatments but you decide which to adopt   

You are your own best doctor as you listen to your body & adjust to its needs

Always seek professional opinions instead of guesses 做好本分

I don't just fight but I fight to win

The crowd will always cheer you on - afterall, you are in the ring, not them

In the ring, you decide your fate; walk away victorious or be bashed & crawl out

You can make all the money in the world but nobody can be paid to bear your sufferings

There is no prizes for guessing the outcome; you... decide

The world loves a Winner & even the second placed gets little to minimum attention

It's not a cruel world but reality is always unforgiving

It may take awhile to return to your normal self but you must

Whatever is normal changes with time & your abilities to adapt determine the plausibility of success

Be patient, be ready & prepared

Setbacks in time are lay moments to reflect & to take corrective actions

A bull in a china shop destroys everything 

A truly gifted fighter's winnings starts in the mind; the rest flow

We all have our own battles to fight, big or small

Rest if you must but never give up for the future is yours to conquer

When you are dealt a bad hand but you still can still win if you play your cards right

Saturday, March 20, 2021

If I Die

 death the leveller...

What will i be remembered for after i am gone? Nothing...

Except for fond memories and recalls, every passing dims over time

There is no historical values for most except the 'extremists' who have done something to etch themselves into history

Climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest ocean, earned the highest public salary, being the richest, being the poorest but humble president, being the first (of everything good or bad)... these are but a passing mention

Every pains and gains fade with time

人生没有天长地久 只有曾经拥有

When you detach yourself from materialism & emotion, you lived "heaven on earth" as everything is balanced

Eat whatever you want, go wherever you like, drink to your soul's satisfaction but do everything in moderation

You need not go out of your ways to help others but sprinkles of compassion and care do help

Doing everything within your means and abilities ease the mind & eliminate stress

Peace is when one is in agreement with oneself; where the body & mind is balanced

Give yourself time to be alone whereupon your Soul rejuvenates; alone is not loneliness 

Do not wait till you are near incapacity or death then decide what you wanna do; it's a little late

Death is not scary; death is final

How many people can stake a claim to success at 65yo? Few but possible...

Dr Mahathir became PM of Malaysia at 93yo

Shigeo Tokuda, 82, is the oldest porn star in Japan

Deng Xiao Ping, another late starter, opened up China in the 1980s

The 'doers' never wait for things to happen; they make it happen

They didn't let death bother them & use everyday like it was infinite

Go forth and multiply

Death will come sooner or later; you need not wait

If I die and you know me, you may or may not come for a final visit as I wouldn't take attendances

But, by coincidence, I organize a party for all who knows me to gather & reflect, including gossips

If you hate me, no worries, I am gone

If you owe me something of values, give them to charities to help the less fortunate as they are of no use to me

If you miss me, don't feel sad... when your days are up, we may meet again

Like different levels of a game, I have moved ahead to the next level...I live on

Spend today like it is infinite as time marches on

More importantly, live life to the fullest

We are unique and have very different roles 做好本分

Money cannot buy health nor life

Steve Jobs watch his life-supporting machines ticked on as he inched towards death

Marilyn Monroe was hugely famous, rubbed shoulders with the "who's who", lived a luxurious life but died unceremoniously, probably self-afflicted

If I die... I am happy to move on to my next appointment somewhere that I need not know

I am "trying to live as heavenly as possible" on Earth - living my best everyday

I wouldn't wait for Heaven to arrive as heaven & hell may not exists

Don't stress up, let go & live to the fullest 

I am ... GOD willing, I will succeed


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Smiles - The Ways To Unbuckle Obstacles

always be positive & smile to ease obstacles ...

Smile - the language that everyone understands & eases most situations

You can't be very angry with anyone who's smiling, submissive and accommodating

Even a fallen hero who smiles away his agony, misfortune and sufferings returns level-minded & calm

Sufferings, misfortunes and failures fade away like nights into days

Difficult nights may be lengthy but it is still 24hours a day, not a second more

There is no one best time but where preparations meet opportunity, the results is almost always optimal

It is important not to blame nor envy others for whatever you achieve or not is yours to keep

Do everything within your means

When the heart is contented, your life flows smoothly; come rain or sunshine

No two men are alike

Fortune favors the brave and fleet footed

Nothing happen by coincidence than choice

Chase your dreams while you can for we fade physically & mentally over time

The decay of time is irreversible

Whether you are sad or happy, time flies... the slowness in time is a function of  emotion

When you are happy, in victory and celebratory moods, time flies faster because you are deep in enjoyment & have forgotten about time

Whereas in sadness, you immersed yourself in misery, looking back & basking in regrets - staring at time often enough to notice that time is 'frozen' - pains are more acute than joys

Extreme emotions are least controllable  

Whatever comes, stay calm & calculated - no one can swim against the tides

Enjoy the/your successes, manage the defeats & pace the lull periods

Smile at your defeats is like laughing at our own weaknesses 

We make mistakes & wrong judgement but learn from them - laugh away your worries

Water seep through hard rocks & find its way downstream into the ocean

Smiles, like water, soften the impact of defeats, difficulties & adversary yet lighten the heart

Smile is the universal language that opens all doors 

If it's sunshine everyday, it makes a desert

Some lull days & defeats make victory ever sweeter

I have my fair share of winnings, victories and defeats but an enlightened mind works wonder

Smile through difficulties and feel the infinite strengths of positive forces

Slow down, rest & pause if necessary but never quit

We are walking towards the end of time & quitting is never a solution

Sense the smell of the distant victory

For it is there for ALL to keep

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...