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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Contrarian Outlook

everything is normal...

Noticeably, WallStreet has beaten MainStreet expectations and continues to rise

Trade wars between US and China & others, instead of stalling US, have boosted the US economy, even raising performances & profits for businesses

Despite Covid & the intermittent lockdowns, the medical & gig economies staffed off structural unemployment while logistics boom & eCommerce shot through the roof. Demand for housing also rise with commodities prices racing ahead

What's ahead is as unclear as it's unpredictable but one thing's for sure: expect the unexpected & there is no immediate solution for the next explosive event - a collapsed economy, a run on currency, a sudden change of political leader or simply, a natural calamity of a magnitude unseen in history

The uncertainty is certain; it's a natural cycle of events

Food and soft commodities prices will rise due to shortage and the inefficiencies of logistics

Precious metals prices shall climb but commercial & industrial metals will peak and turn down

Equities will rise until "the loss of confidence (run) of a currency" & many will be "throwing out the baby with the water"

COVID is a clear sign that Nature wants a "leveling down" to equilibrate the distribution of resources

There is no secret to overcoming the Covid threat: 

1. Treat Mother Earth with care & share - there are enough resources to go around & no humans are born more superior than another. Deforesting & destroying large swathe of land in the name of progress is a strict "NO, No, no"

2. Humans are GOD-fearing and must build upon Faiths to balance the unknown "X"-Factor; atheists included. Compassion to fellow human beings - the need to care & share with the less fortunate & less able

3. Get plentiful of sunshine and exercises to power up the Soul and the physique

There is no known cures for virus (attacks)

The new normal is the unadulterated normal since mankind - grow at you own pace, care & share, have enough & do not hoard nor practice gluttony, do not be envious & greedy. Change is the only constant & go with the flow

When COVID is over, many will ride the next cycle of peace & prosperity

From dusts to dusts; we came, we saw, we leave

Live a simple life; for tomorrow is never promised

Stones & batons break bones but hurtful words don't

拉黑Walk away from unwanted attention & confrontation - never wrestle with a pig

拉清单It's imperative to set a baseline & be prepared to "fight or flight" & be like water

Fear not


A contrarian is one who sees the normalcy of things that many viewed as an aberration or disruption - almost emotionless & logical in judgement

I may dislike the lockdowns but I accept the forced slowdown wherein I rethink my ideals and plot the next move - many "must-dos" have became "unimportant, obsolete & irrelevant"

Family takes priority & health comes first before wealth - nothing has change

Most contrarians will live to see another day whereas those who fights the Laws of Nature has a high incidence of defeat - you simply cannot swim against the tides

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