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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

For Yourself, By Yourself

slow down in uncertainty & enjoy the view...

Man sets dateline and milestone to accomplish goals, often chasing his goals at the expense of his health

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished - Lao Tzu

There is a time for everything but Man seeks to expedite his achievements at any costs

天时地利人和 there is an opportune time where the dream crystalizes

Lockdowns, closing of international borders, clipping the wings of aeroplanes, ports closure... almost total paralysis of the global system

Man are caged in for their own safety and the ecosystem cleans up

Nature reclaim her prominence and bloom

Man should live simply and not hoard resources by eliminating non-essentials

If you buy what you don't need, someday you will discover that you cannot exchange them for what you need

The rush to achieve & display of 'wealth & achievements' are vanity, not wisdom

Our need to prove to others is our achilles heel & a vain temptation

I have been looking at how to slow down my life? But, now, I realized it's not the slowing down that creates frustration and disruption. It's my desire to achieve & prove to "the world" that I can

Frankly, nobody pays any attention to me nor what I'm doing, not least to talk about achievements

If you're gone tomorrow, at most some will visit your wake & a few will send you off on your final journey; missing you is an absolute no, NO

I am awakened

I will not indulge in vanity nor hollow illusions

I will do whatever I deemed necessary to discover my routes toward my goals & ignore the glare of unwanted attention

路是人走出来的 - 条条大路通罗马

We came alone & shall return alone - life is a lonely journey

There is no need to rush as we run towards death; our ultimate end point

Let me do whatever I want or thought that that's what I want as life, like water, water never flows backwards

I am not slowing down but making every steps count, minus vanity & seeking disillusions

I have to satisfy myself, love myself before I can go to the world like a loose canon of magnanimity

Nobody cares if I make it or not but I must start to live for myself today & NOW

Every seconds become minutes, turning into hours and days - & they are all mine to dispose

I have lost much time idling, seeking vanity & shooting in the dark

Today & now I AM AWAKENed


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