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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Laws Of Nature Are Man-centric

control or lack of control...

Forget about control as there is no definite method to control any outcomes

You can insist but nobody will, nor needs to, oblige if they aren't interested in your rewards & incentives

If you need the income, you are enslaved & bondage rules

If you do not need the income, you can sack your "boss", however luxurious the rewards

We eat to live & not live to eat; work is a supplementary means to an end

Pursuing our ideals are natural instincts but few achieve any, if at all

The fears, concerns, doubts, overarching thinking & fading interests over time kill achievement of goals

Many pawn their Fate to their preferred superior/leader as they retreat into their cocoons & become dependent & blind followers

Their Fate is sealed but they remained clueless

事在人为 有人才有事

Man builds, Man destroys - the wise man live in harmony with Nature & harness her strengths while fools challenge

When 5% of the richest control 95% of world's wealth, anarchy will follow as resources are hoarded, poverty rules, famine rife as incentives to sow, plough the land, plant and harvest reduced; the grit to work evaporates

Revolution happens when the commoners are deprived and their voices suppressed; the rich cannot live in a sea of poor

Class divide forces the deprived and ostracized to fight back, not for want of nothingness but survival

Dead man tells no tales

Water: water is the source of life & fortunes

Water, water, water everywhere but drinkable waters are rare to many

Nations will go to war to secure drinkable water sources and supplies

Man has contaminated many water sources & the oceans are polluted - Nature simply can't clean the oceans fast enough to stall pollution

Without water, life stops

You cannot control everything and every outcomes but you can minimize the damage to the environment and ecosystem

Man must share whatever resources Mother Earth provides as, unlike animals, Man has a conscience

There is enough to go around

GOD will not end the world but human/Man is highly capable to self-destruct

Man has been toying with nuclear weapons & pushing to near plausibility to fight with the worst gunpowder - aka nukes

Nothing is for sure - the next time someone calls a bluff, that could also be the end of mankind

Communism, capitalism and socialism are concepts that help Mankind but the overzealousness to outdo & outperform one another will be Mankind's waterloo

There is no absolute & everything and every outcomes are relative

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