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Sunday, March 5, 2023


change is inevitable...

When you plan a gradual change, it's smoother and more organized

Disruption is when change is forced upon you suddenly and unexpectedly

At most times, change is not a choice as the environment flip and the fundamentals give way 

The advent of the handphone decimated the camera, communication methods, clock, movie, motion delivery & lots more 

ChatGPT will eliminate the writer, translator, author, literary & music circle... & literary IPs may be surrendered in time to come. That aside, it may become an propaganda weapon to influence outcomes

COVID disrupted world's commerce, livelihoods, behavioral patterns & communication - the unexpected and uncertainties became the 'norm'

I have always used the lull period to pick up additional qualifications (of interests) & skill sets

These don't make me richer but certainly allow me to re-arm and adjust to my preferred paths - a desire that weren't fulfilled in earlier years & allow me to ease into changes

Every responsible adults strive to put 3-good meals on the table & care for the well being of the family

At worst, he'd take one meal but provide the family with 3(meals)

His life will be disrupted when he needs to struggle to have one (meal) & the family has only one as (he) lost employment, is underemployed, faces inflation & higher costs of living and if ill-health befalls

Disruption is due to sudden change & is unplanned

Alas, a simple bowl of steaming-hot rice is, at times, life and death

2023 is a year of uncertainty but blessed with opportunities - who dares win

StockMarket, lead by US DJIA, S&P500 and NASDAQ, has potential to disrupt. Secondary markets like Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia & Singapore are worth a second look. Any sharp drop into late March/early April is a Trading BUY - be selective & do your homework - 看好就收 - 小钱要疼 大钱要狠

Fortunes are made by the Smarts & Braves but not the Reckless; many want to make money but few want to do their homework

More importantly, stay fit & healthy - with health, much more can be achieved

No Change, No Chance - the volatility and velocity makes or breaks a Man

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Brave The Changes

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