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Monday, March 13, 2023

Survival & Prosperity - Your CAN

life, like taste, changes frequently...

Surprises is the norm where expectations exist

More expectations, more disappointments as Man proposes, GOD disposes

Planning ahead is a must but it should not be dogmatic with provision for the quirky x-factor

Those who died yesterday have plans for today & the many who die today had made plans for tomorrow

The successful people prime an idea into a solution & commercialize it - Einstein, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Colonel Saunders, Ray Kroc, Asa Griggs Candler, Jack Ma, Pony Ma, Ron Sim, Sim Wong Woo...

Wars are  disruptions & change the facade of Earth & habitations for Mankind - life's norms will never be normal again

Natural disasters & climate change alter the face of Earth - frankly, there is nothing to worry - it will change so fast that humans are eliminated to balance the entire ecosystem

The green movements, the taxes on carbon emissions and any Laws to forestall climate change are greed & vanity efforts to extract from the commoners. What can these vanities do prevent  the rising tides, the melting ice & the movements of Earth's tectonic plates? Nothing...

The Sun lit up the Earth & the Moon reflects the Sunlight

In a clear moonless night, the Stars shine

Without the Green movements, the Governments and the interests parties, Nature will deliver; for the better or worse

Humans have taken advantage of co-sharing to 'manage our geographic locale' to taxing the mass, commoners & the weaker ones - it's the "Animal Farm" manifestation

Empires and rulers rise & fall though the evils generally last longer than the good ones - the former is scheming while the latter is too trusting

Accept changes, adapt & metamorphosed into the ever changing environment - the color white can radiates into multi-colors

I try to plan for changes, or to change, as unplanned change is disruption知彼知己 百战百胜

Deaths and dying are not part of anybody's plan but an inevitable expiration of the AlMighty's accorded energy source - called "The Last Breathe"

Man is more united when poor & downtrodden - not for magnanimity but for survival

Unity is strength as the smarter ones organize and control, while the able work and manage & the directionless and weak toe the line & obey instructions

There is food for All - the utopian ideal

Man is, and will be, destroyed by the omnipresence of greed, selfishness, vanity and ego

No man can live in a "sea of poors"

Opportunity presents even in the worst of crisis - you need to be prepared, ready and able to crystalize it

No change, no chance, no luck... you have only yourself to blame

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