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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Patience - Keep MARCHing

slow down to a halt needs adequate practice...

I am rattled with impatience, not for lack of patience but the need to move & keep moving that is ticking

Unnecessary moves waste energy and resources yet has dangers

A good sniper is able to wait for his target; location, time, inconvenience, discomforts...are non-issues

He is prepared, patient, indifferent, calm and targeted - pounce when opportunity presents

It is easy to react & fight when provoked

Walking away is not a sign of weakness or cowardice but a wise decision

Walk away, observe, assess, respond - that could be a 5seconds or 5days work

Patience is the key to success - Bill Gates - but not everyone has his resources

Quote: Patient people eventually receive all things - so, they said but I have never accepted

What this simply means is "do your best and leave the rest & if destiny warrants, all shalt be yours"

Alas! If you sit, wait and do nothing to advance your cause, that's not patience but blind hopefulness 守株待兔

“There's no advantage to hurrying through life." - Shikamaru Nara -  Masashi Kishimoto

Time changes everything - it's the process

COVID had forced everyone to a standstill - lockdown, immobilized, quarantined 

Many were killed as the evil winds blow and engulf - the darkness of life dawned upon Mankind

There is a time for everything - live the moment well

The young love changes and fight the changes because the innate energy need to be spent 不是不怕死而是不懂死(是什么)

The middle age take the challenges & manage the expectations whilst the elderly has lesser to nil expectations, hence less disappointments - patience is a necessity to preservation

Patience 春夏秋冬 there is a season for everything

Man in a hurry will always hit the wall - if you force open the pupae, the butterfly dies. If you forced open the butterfly's wings when it evolve from the pupae, the wings are damaged as the natural drying allows the wings to harden & ready for flight

“She was always waiting, it seemed to be her forte.”  - D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover - Guess, she has no choice

Be patient & wait for your chance but watch what you pray for

Now, I am like a highly charged rocket, desiring to blast off in the immediate moment but I am not sure if I may reach my goal ... alas! Any blast-off will likely mean I will be a spent force. If you don't know where you are going, any where is your destination

As C-19 is finally lifted, opportunities aplenty

If you had planned well over the last 3years, you are ready but that doesn't mean you can march off & conquer as many of your other counterparts(ies) may not be ready

天时地利人和 知己知彼百战百胜

I have an in-built safety valve: What I want is not necessarily what I need... slow down if I can as the right time shall arrive in due course

Success & failure is a fine line

Tomorrow is never promised - live the best in every moments

Those who died yesterday, they have plans for today. Those who die today have made plans for tomorrow & if they haven't live to their fullest, what's left behind are memories. 

Patience allows your to slow down, take stock, review, enjoy your work and live the moments before history kicks in

Keep on MARCHing

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