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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Good Times Is Around The Corner ~ Success

I thought I knew the way forward...

With confidence, experiences and knowledge, i move forward with oomph and style

I select an optimal team who are specialists in-themselves to work on the broad strategy and to journey together

I have demonstrated to them the high probability of success but... it's a journey, not a pit stop

Alone, I has no magic; it's teamwork and a global dream ~ the unicorn is illusive

I learnt that I need to meet someone's else needs; any needs that manifest into wants become/are invaluable demands

The price of meeting another's needs is limitless

Sell beauty to women and vitality to men and you will laugh all the way to the bank

Man proposes, GOD disposes 天助我也 : 天时地利人和 也需要有好运

Some have it easy with success while others are put to tests. If there is a Destiny, then why bother to try and seek? It's because GOD needs to legitimize HIS givings ... that you have done and tried

Always remember: GOD is watching but HE is forever not bribeable. It doesn't mean that just because you attend Church/House of God regularly, say your prayers earnestly or make huge offerings, all your prayers will materialize

The Dalits, beggars, the commoners and the sundry will also be heard

We are all made differently, here for a purpose and with fairly dedicated role-plays

Man are bonded to fame, wealth and power ...and will kill to wield influence and dominance while animals only kill for food. Until Man frees himself from bondage, greed, ego and selfishness will lead to self destruction

As every Man is an Economic Digit whereby he needs to hunt  and  provide for his dependents & family, the earlier he becomes self-sufficient and need not worry about his next meal, the more he can let-go & share 人心本善 人性更善

I'd like to opine that everyone has a soft spot, however evil he may be

Conflicts, betrayals, disloyalty, greed, selfishness and ill-intents are underlying weaknesses of a weak person - tricks and trickery are their hidden weapons

Religion - that GOD of yours - only motivates you to be good

I am guided by The Light of GOD in my Heart, to steer towards doing only the good and right things, be righteous and avoid temptations and distractions... but, I am, afterall, a human and has flaws

I provide no excuses but I will have to face judgement with my Creator in due course

Above all, I march eagerly, confidently and forcefully towards my goals, for which the direction must be correct  

Generally speaking, ALL prayers are answered; it's only the timing ~ so, watch out what you are hoping for

I maybe a little impatient 

I am looking for more successes; it's the gumption that says... "it's around the corner & ... soon"

Keep going, soon all shalt be

Do whatever you want so long as you didn't prick your conscience and betray your creed

ALL of us are unique creations, set to achieve certain goals and are given specific roles; be at your best人生本来就是一场戏 做好本分

Tomorrow is never promise

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Life's Reality Can't Be Pawned

live best when others live worst...

Be at peace with yourself

The calm ocean has strong undercurrents

The peaceful, picturesque & serene volcano harbors boiling lava

More haste, less speed but everyone is knowingly speeding towards the end

I have arduously slowed to 7/10 of my usual speed, knowing that the world has slowed to almost a stop; C-19 was the definator 

Nobody has the ability nor stamina to swim against the tides. Going with the flow is the Zen-ness of life 

Nobody can change anybody; change must start with self

When the flowers bloom, butterflies swarm the garden. It doesn't mean that if the butterflies are  'not coming', the flowers don't bloom. Nature has its own formula ~ just do your best and when the time is due, all that are yours shalt be

Stay away from couriers of negative responses, complaints, curses, self righteousness and blame apportioners & use your energy to ready yourself for a better tomorrow 

Accept that some things are beyond us... beyond our influence and control & there is nothing to be worried about. If it must happen, it will happen

Nuclear armed countries do not have nuke weapons for show neither are these for fun; at some point in time when threatened, they will use. Man will self-destruct

The anxiety, uncertainty and instability also present opportunities

Why worry when worrying cannot solve problems? Yet, most worries never materialize 

Do not promise anything when you are happy nor cut ties & burn bridges when you are substantially upset

Nothing is promised

Add colors to your life and accept that life will never be fair nor equal

When your 'friends' walk out on you, life becomes lighter with lesser obligations, demands & uncertainties

You came alone, naked; and shall return alone yet leaving behind all that you have accumulated over the years

Without bondage, life and living is merrier, healthier, peaceful and a flow

I am no fairy neither am I able to please the world at large. Unlike many of my contacts, I noticed many are partying and living it up

Did I miss anything or am I disconnected? I had the opportunity to ask a few

Answers were "isn't this life? Celebrate and be merry everyday & see & be seen!" I replied with awe and admiration and I mentioned that I seem to have completely miss out the circuit...

And, what followed was a big 'sigh'! It is very unreal and expensive to continue... its a social facade ~ cheers on the face, pains in the wallet, thrift on tomorrow's meals and hopefully, vouchers#&#aids#earnings arrive   

- whatever you wish for, GOD老天爷 did not answer

- whatever you want from the land, you work on it and you shalt harvest 种豆得豆种果得果

- the two legs must be firmly on the ground

It is imperative to live within our means for peace and happiness to flourish

A healthy mind and body is the best gift anyone can wish for

Read more and read widely; wisdom are found in the pages

I never wished for longevity but I definitely wish for a healthy life, without envy & disruptions

Tomorrow is never promised ~ & I live my best today

Keep going... we'd all arrive soon

Friday, March 8, 2024

Surviving A Turbulent World

the world has always been turbulent...

Many worry about our turbulent world but it has been turbulent since Man(One#Of#A#Kind) started

The world was made  smaller and news spread faster because of the internet, not because it had shrunk

I used to write to pen-pals, await replies via snailmails, waited for official confirmation for exams results ... Alas! The thrills had died with internet  

Friends are a dime a many, especially those that treat you based on your economic contributions ~ useful, useless, cannot be of help or on a 'need basis'

From hardly known to you to knowing you, to being of use(fulness); it's turbulence in the making from the start, made worse if exploited 

Most of us start from next to nothing, saved for whatever your family provides, not unlike the springboard for your 100m sprint. You are in for troubles if you think your family can make you a sub-10s runner [Marcell Jacobs and Elaine Thompson-Herah are the men's and women's Olympic champions.Usain Bolt and Florence Griffith Joiner are sub-10s holders]

Your destiny is for you to build, grow and manage in the uncertain tomorrows

Grip & grab, fight or flight ~ the choice is yours but you must be healthy and steadfast, prepared and ready

Survival and prosperity are oneness ~ only survivors have a chance to prosper

Historically, Man died for their woman 不爱江山爱美人 1824 - women have no rights. 1924妇女节- women attain women rights. - 2024女神节 women is always right... alas! Man is (on the) left sulking

Man conquers and controls but, if you add women in the equation, Man kills for dominance, manifested by womanly emotions

Everyone is a fair game and size doesn't warranty victory

Animals kill for food whereas Man kills for sports

Nature allows for self-defense and animals have the natural survival instincts.  By extension of be able to reason, Man can be exploited and manipulated

When Man live and let live, peace and prosperity returns

The physically weaker ones are generally endowed with better mental quotients & gut-feel to outwit the brawn

Revolutions are sparked by the slightest provocation

A bird that fears turbulence will never know how high it can fly. Turbulence that blows you to greatness is better than calmness that stalls you in mediocrity - quote

 Be like water; it shape itself to reflect tranquil or turbulence - sometimes calm on the surface with strong under currents

The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic - Peter Drucker

No amount of turbulence can shake a person who is indifferent to the environment & decidedly steadfast

The crow rests & rides on the eagle's back but the eagle isn't bothered. It fly high(er) such that when the air thin out, the crow flies off - don't let others small talks floor you

Man need water & food to survive, not fame, wealth, power nor accolades

ZENness powers a highly spirited, spritely & gainfully positive person

I cannot say that I am not affected by my surrounding but I can retreat & insulate against



Friday, March 1, 2024

March & Keep Marching

much has been achieved that the future looks empty...

It's March, 2024 ~ continue MARCHing as time never returns

One who believes in himself has no need to convince others - LaoZi

The freedom to do anything and everything begin with freeing yourself from bondage, desire and expectation. 

Honor your words, betray no one, work with enthusiasm, do not take advantage of others and resist temptations as your actions speak louder than words

Once you stop clinging and let things be, you'll be free, even of birth and death. You'll transform everything - Bodhidharma

Without motives and bad intents, make an honest living; we are not made to "live to work"

To be able to let go放下, with willingness to share and give施舍 and bathe with magnanimity舍得, you free yourself from materialism and bondage

Every moment comes unencumbered  

When the Soul is set free, nothing else matters 活得像神仙

Sometimes, I feel hollow... nothing to seek nor look forward, henceforth, I turn inwards

I meditate or daze发呆. I am not in a spell but reserving energy and resources, getting prepared and ready & to pounce when opportunity presents

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings - LaoZi

I am plausibly at another new beginning, but without any painful endings. Why? Because, I do not consider missed opportunities as painful. It's just yet another lesson and an experience... if I have tried my very best, I suppose the outcome is the best installed for me (in my life)

We win some and we loss some but we need to collect brownies shillings to keep going, with minimum to nil disruptions 

It is better to live in peace than in bitterness and strife - Confucius

Man proposes and GOD disposes.  It is not enough to have a balance of opportunity: 天时地利人和 There is the added essence: LUCK好运气

Above all, we must be healthy ~ physically, mentally and medically

Life can never be easy & we must accept and overcome challenges & to tame any difficulties; it's mind over matter

What is the point of stressing up to achieve and to die at the epic of achievements? When your health fails, all else are irrelevant. Surely, Steve Jobs wished his billions$ can buy him time and health when he watched his/the life support machines ticked by

The WWI & WWII were necessitated by the desire to expand territories so as to control economic resources. Wars do not bring about prosperity. It was the reparation and reconstruction that did. There is more conflicts and conflict points today than anytime is history. Globalization, commerce and economic growth contracted and 'collapsed'. The world is bitten by strife, bitterness and enmity 

When peace and peaceful coexistence return, Man shall prosper again

It is okay for the world to slowdown or come to a standstill, without wars, famines and diseases

Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful - Buddha

So long as you go with the flow, life and living will be manageable and a bliss

However, dictators, rogue leaders and forceful deprivation of food and basic rights must be resisted and thwarted 

80% of the people live and get by and accept 'life as it is" but the hording of resources and power by the top 5% bring miseries and sufferings to the mass. GOD  is watching

Let there be fairer and more level playing field where everyone can Care & Share

I am waiting for my due chance

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...