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Friday, March 1, 2024

March & Keep Marching

much has been achieved that the future looks empty...

It's March, 2024 ~ continue MARCHing as time never returns

One who believes in himself has no need to convince others - LaoZi

The freedom to do anything and everything begin with freeing yourself from bondage, desire and expectation. 

Honor your words, betray no one, work with enthusiasm, do not take advantage of others and resist temptations as your actions speak louder than words

Once you stop clinging and let things be, you'll be free, even of birth and death. You'll transform everything - Bodhidharma

Without motives and bad intents, make an honest living; we are not made to "live to work"

To be able to let go放下, with willingness to share and give施舍 and bathe with magnanimity舍得, you free yourself from materialism and bondage

Every moment comes unencumbered  

When the Soul is set free, nothing else matters 活得像神仙

Sometimes, I feel hollow... nothing to seek nor look forward, henceforth, I turn inwards

I meditate or daze发呆. I am not in a spell but reserving energy and resources, getting prepared and ready & to pounce when opportunity presents

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings - LaoZi

I am plausibly at another new beginning, but without any painful endings. Why? Because, I do not consider missed opportunities as painful. It's just yet another lesson and an experience... if I have tried my very best, I suppose the outcome is the best installed for me (in my life)

We win some and we loss some but we need to collect brownies shillings to keep going, with minimum to nil disruptions 

It is better to live in peace than in bitterness and strife - Confucius

Man proposes and GOD disposes.  It is not enough to have a balance of opportunity: 天时地利人和 There is the added essence: LUCK好运气

Above all, we must be healthy ~ physically, mentally and medically

Life can never be easy & we must accept and overcome challenges & to tame any difficulties; it's mind over matter

What is the point of stressing up to achieve and to die at the epic of achievements? When your health fails, all else are irrelevant. Surely, Steve Jobs wished his billions$ can buy him time and health when he watched his/the life support machines ticked by

The WWI & WWII were necessitated by the desire to expand territories so as to control economic resources. Wars do not bring about prosperity. It was the reparation and reconstruction that did. There is more conflicts and conflict points today than anytime is history. Globalization, commerce and economic growth contracted and 'collapsed'. The world is bitten by strife, bitterness and enmity 

When peace and peaceful coexistence return, Man shall prosper again

It is okay for the world to slowdown or come to a standstill, without wars, famines and diseases

Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful - Buddha

So long as you go with the flow, life and living will be manageable and a bliss

However, dictators, rogue leaders and forceful deprivation of food and basic rights must be resisted and thwarted 

80% of the people live and get by and accept 'life as it is" but the hording of resources and power by the top 5% bring miseries and sufferings to the mass. GOD  is watching

Let there be fairer and more level playing field where everyone can Care & Share

I am waiting for my due chance

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