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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Good Times Is Around The Corner ~ Success

I thought I knew the way forward...

With confidence, experiences and knowledge, i move forward with oomph and style

I select an optimal team who are specialists in-themselves to work on the broad strategy and to journey together

I have demonstrated to them the high probability of success but... it's a journey, not a pit stop

Alone, I has no magic; it's teamwork and a global dream ~ the unicorn is illusive

I learnt that I need to meet someone's else needs; any needs that manifest into wants become/are invaluable demands

The price of meeting another's needs is limitless

Sell beauty to women and vitality to men and you will laugh all the way to the bank

Man proposes, GOD disposes 天助我也 : 天时地利人和 也需要有好运

Some have it easy with success while others are put to tests. If there is a Destiny, then why bother to try and seek? It's because GOD needs to legitimize HIS givings ... that you have done and tried

Always remember: GOD is watching but HE is forever not bribeable. It doesn't mean that just because you attend Church/House of God regularly, say your prayers earnestly or make huge offerings, all your prayers will materialize

The Dalits, beggars, the commoners and the sundry will also be heard

We are all made differently, here for a purpose and with fairly dedicated role-plays

Man are bonded to fame, wealth and power ...and will kill to wield influence and dominance while animals only kill for food. Until Man frees himself from bondage, greed, ego and selfishness will lead to self destruction

As every Man is an Economic Digit whereby he needs to hunt  and  provide for his dependents & family, the earlier he becomes self-sufficient and need not worry about his next meal, the more he can let-go & share 人心本善 人性更善

I'd like to opine that everyone has a soft spot, however evil he may be

Conflicts, betrayals, disloyalty, greed, selfishness and ill-intents are underlying weaknesses of a weak person - tricks and trickery are their hidden weapons

Religion - that GOD of yours - only motivates you to be good

I am guided by The Light of GOD in my Heart, to steer towards doing only the good and right things, be righteous and avoid temptations and distractions... but, I am, afterall, a human and has flaws

I provide no excuses but I will have to face judgement with my Creator in due course

Above all, I march eagerly, confidently and forcefully towards my goals, for which the direction must be correct  

Generally speaking, ALL prayers are answered; it's only the timing ~ so, watch out what you are hoping for

I maybe a little impatient 

I am looking for more successes; it's the gumption that says... "it's around the corner & ... soon"

Keep going, soon all shalt be

Do whatever you want so long as you didn't prick your conscience and betray your creed

ALL of us are unique creations, set to achieve certain goals and are given specific roles; be at your best人生本来就是一场戏 做好本分

Tomorrow is never promise

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