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Friday, March 8, 2024

Surviving A Turbulent World

the world has always been turbulent...

Many worry about our turbulent world but it has been turbulent since Man(One#Of#A#Kind) started

The world was made  smaller and news spread faster because of the internet, not because it had shrunk

I used to write to pen-pals, await replies via snailmails, waited for official confirmation for exams results ... Alas! The thrills had died with internet  

Friends are a dime a many, especially those that treat you based on your economic contributions ~ useful, useless, cannot be of help or on a 'need basis'

From hardly known to you to knowing you, to being of use(fulness); it's turbulence in the making from the start, made worse if exploited 

Most of us start from next to nothing, saved for whatever your family provides, not unlike the springboard for your 100m sprint. You are in for troubles if you think your family can make you a sub-10s runner [Marcell Jacobs and Elaine Thompson-Herah are the men's and women's Olympic champions.Usain Bolt and Florence Griffith Joiner are sub-10s holders]

Your destiny is for you to build, grow and manage in the uncertain tomorrows

Grip & grab, fight or flight ~ the choice is yours but you must be healthy and steadfast, prepared and ready

Survival and prosperity are oneness ~ only survivors have a chance to prosper

Historically, Man died for their woman 不爱江山爱美人 1824 - women have no rights. 1924妇女节- women attain women rights. - 2024女神节 women is always right... alas! Man is (on the) left sulking

Man conquers and controls but, if you add women in the equation, Man kills for dominance, manifested by womanly emotions

Everyone is a fair game and size doesn't warranty victory

Animals kill for food whereas Man kills for sports

Nature allows for self-defense and animals have the natural survival instincts.  By extension of be able to reason, Man can be exploited and manipulated

When Man live and let live, peace and prosperity returns

The physically weaker ones are generally endowed with better mental quotients & gut-feel to outwit the brawn

Revolutions are sparked by the slightest provocation

A bird that fears turbulence will never know how high it can fly. Turbulence that blows you to greatness is better than calmness that stalls you in mediocrity - quote

 Be like water; it shape itself to reflect tranquil or turbulence - sometimes calm on the surface with strong under currents

The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic - Peter Drucker

No amount of turbulence can shake a person who is indifferent to the environment & decidedly steadfast

The crow rests & rides on the eagle's back but the eagle isn't bothered. It fly high(er) such that when the air thin out, the crow flies off - don't let others small talks floor you

Man need water & food to survive, not fame, wealth, power nor accolades

ZENness powers a highly spirited, spritely & gainfully positive person

I cannot say that I am not affected by my surrounding but I can retreat & insulate against



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