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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Take The Middle Road

crashing a system to re-fix needs plentiful of guts...

All relationships go through up, down and constant until after betrayal
Many issues can be mended and forgiven but occasionally the tear is so bad that scars remain
The most unpredictable "X" factor is emotions
The poker face, the stern-lifeless look, the faceless face - changes at a wink
Selfishness, greed, hatred and envy are potent disruptors

How many are truly compassionate and forgiving? Few or hardly
There are no true fellowship; many are just waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting
Man dies of misplaced loyalty
The tyranny never hesitates to sacrifice others to attain his objectives
Misinformation, half truths and withholding of information are tools used to deceive and entrap unsuspecting persons
The need to dominate and control is overwhelming
Such is the character of a coward

The Officer and Gentleman; in wars gentlemen are few
The need to win & survive in wars is a prerogative
Hatefully, no one benefits in a war
The underlying impatience brew confrontational pits
Short fuse accidents can be fatal

Warriors, leaders & gentlemen will save mankind 

Do not let others provoke you into anger, violence & conflicts
There is no gains in (d)anger
The selfishness of a vindictive, power-crazy, alpha-bias dictator thrives on seeing others suffer
Their losses is his gain
Their sufferings is his pleasures
Depends on no one but yourself... your destiny is in your own hands

What is more important than to "shit off"? All input and no output is toxic
Our body is the best indication of having a "balance" approaches in life
You cannot keep collecting but gives nothing
However greedy and dominating one is, some day he will pay for his foolish greed
Death is the leveller

The best approaches in life is 以和为贵
Tolerating one another is not a solution
Giving in & giving away is the easiest way to lighten up your heart
We work to live, not live to work 放下, 凡事随缘
There is no rewards in quarrels
Even after reconciliation, suspicion and unhappiness prevail

Walk away from troubles

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Nobody Is A Born Winner

there is no sure winner...

Whatever handicap your score is, someone else is hitting a hole in one, not you
I don't understand golf and wonder why they are always comparing with the disables; handicap
There are so much work to be done on the farm, repairing roads and directing traffic under the hot sun but golf under the hot sun is called a "hobby"
Someone told me "if you play golf, you'd be rich because your contacts are the rich, famous and powerful"; then, why so many remain as caddies

Life is about choices

Nobody will make you rich, happy or famous
You gonna plot and pave your own destiny
There are few inheritances but the fool & his money will soon part

Wisdom and commonsense are not so common nowadays

These are rambutans; abundance and growing
It is not edible until the color turns red
When the butterfly cracks out of its pupa, it's wings are still wet & Nature will dry them to ready them for flight
The night is darkest before dawn
How apt? After the darkness, comes light

After all the hardship, it's harvesting time
Do all that you want and sow the right 'seeds'
The consequences are your own doing
命运是人为 心有多大 舞台就多大
If life is destined, I want to be the author
You may be born poor but do not die poor

However you plot, everything will be achieved within your capabilities and abilities
Man proposes, GOD disposes
There is no coincidences
The colors & sizes of life shape your future
There is only one righteous path & honesty will lead you to the right place
Short cuts will lead you somewhere but not necessarily the desired path

The world loves a Winner

I am the winner-wannabe
Soon, I will arrive at my desired goal
I have been there, done that

Friday, January 11, 2019

My World Without Regrets

broken, repaired yet the faint crackline remains...

Wholesome, growth, prosperity & abundant harvest
Happiness, harmony & peace need maintenance
Plentiful of efforts & resources must be expended to reap the best & the desired
There is no barren land; plough, fertilize, irrigate & sow
Nature will provide

Positive attracts more positives
Success attracts more successes
Just as negative indulgences attract their likes
The choice is clear; the power is in the Mind

What you think, you become

Every thing is in abundance if we care to search
Happiness is all within
With health, wealth is obtainable
Humbly ask and help will come

The birds and bees, animals and beasts & all living things never need to worry about tomorrows
They seek safe haven when the seasons change
Nature has crafted an almost perfect universe, save for the damages, pollution and contamination done by Man

When Man plays GOD, he destroys
Man proposes, GOD disposes

The spoon can be a fork  
The glass can be a mirror
You cannot put back a broken mirror without seeing the crackline neither can you get a spoon straightened perfectly

Human destroys the natural habitat & drill for resources
Aborigines were evicted and their land confiscated in the name of progress
When the water sources are polluted, Man shalt perished
Treated water will always never be natural

Man lives on air, water & sunlight

So simple
When the air is contaminated, purifiers can only minimize the damages to health
When water is polluted, treated, recycled, desalinated or recovered waters will never taste the same
When the Nukes blow up, we will not see the sunlight for ages & the whole ecosystem collapsed

Life will never be the same especially after a Man-made disaster

Cherish every moments of your life 这世界没有后悔的药


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

How "Good Morning" Affects You

good greetings and salutations save the day...

Many greetings were received on Christmas, NewYear, Chinese NewYear, HariRaya, Deepavali & on special occasions
The impact is that these well-wishes carry good intents and boost the total goodness of the ecosystem

"Good mornings" provide daily booster, set the tone to a positive day and exonerate the bad 'yesterdays' 

The first person to receive a broad smile to start the day is you
Look into the mirror and gives yourself the booster of the day
Why torture yourself with yesterday's issues & grumblings? If you slept & didn't wake up, these supposedly issues will never exist

Live & lead a happy, healthy life

I read most, if not all, greetings I received
I sent many 'every mornings' as encouragements and motivations to ALL but receive few replies
I am never bothered but I'm certainly happier and enjoyed a higher biorhythm
Do not wallow in self-pity, 'un-solvable' & irritable issues ...all shalt pass

I am no wizard nor do I have magic
But, I just want to live life to the fullest
Time is finite & all shalt be history
Instead of waiting to go to Heaven, I shalt make Earth my Heaven

We all have a choice between birth & death
You can be the biggest tyranny or the most compassionate person; just be yourself
Enjoy the journey & be prepared for the consequences
Intelligent people aplenty but few care to make your 'tomorrow better'

The best motivator is yourself

Long after you died, the world will still carry on
With or without you, the globe still spins
Learn to laugh at yourself and do not take yourself too seriously
What others think and say about you don't hurt if you ignore them just as the rich will not give you their monies

GOD bless ALL & let us make Earth a Heaven to live in

It's already nearer Hell with loads of worries & conspiracies
You have a choice

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What Is Worse Than Failures

what's the worst than failures...

Failure, by itself, is bad; You do not need anything worse
Success give you the catalyst to move forward, without which life's a drag
The journey is not about the distance traveled but about a harmonious, least resistant path
Challenges can be expected along the way but most would have been anticipated
Success breeds further successes

The old colonial-styled General Post Office was reinvented into a 5-star hotel, not unlike the Raffles Hotel
The once busy waterway was cleaned up
No sampans, tongkangs and TwaKows were allowed except for reintroduced touristy tongkangs plying the Singapore River
The river mouth was blocked by a barrage to capture & store the water

Nice, restored shophouses now doubled as F&B outlets
Renewed grandly designed banks' buildings flanked the river
If this isn't success, what is? The city facade was restored mightily but it's Soul was lost
Can success be measured in bricks & mortars? A lifeless city is not unlike a ghost-city of sorts

Success is not just about money & materials supplements

It's a failure if, & when, the larger populace (citizens) suffer in silence & the Gini-Coefficient widens
The increasing costliness of the sunny island do not help
I guess, commoners, like me, just like to lead a simple life; affordable, less crowded, friendly neighborhoods & a freedom of expression
We must be allowed to speak our mind without fear or favor
No Laws are allowed to intrude into our private lives

That's a simple, sustainable, successful and wholesome life

A peaceful display of an emboldened, upsized bird
It guards the river of flowing wealth
The beak points to the engorged belly of the carp  

There are ample spaces for all to stroll leisurely
When the tide is high, the lake-like view is complete
The water-filled river becomes a bulged-up wallet

Appreciate the serenity, the peace, the calm   

Don't think of "what's worse than failures"! Its bad enough to fail
Look at everything with a tinge of positiveness
Nothing lasts forever & enjoy every moments

Sunday, January 6, 2019


is this the beginning or is it the end...

The beginning of NewYear is also the end of the LunarNewYear 十二月
Resolutions can be rewritten if still in doubt after a month's in-use
The female praying mantis eats up the male while mating so as to provide the necessary supplements/proteins for her/the offsprings
Mayflies also called as 'one-day insects' because of their shortest life span.

The average lifespan of a queen is three to four years; drones usually die upon mating or are expelled from the hive before the winter
The males die so that the future (generation) is assured
Let us not worry too much about the future
With Mutually Assured Destruction M.A.D., we may be exonerated if two silly countries decided to unleash their stores of nukes 
Every moments count 
The lively & happy persons live in "heaven" on Earth 
Those who worry if their lives after death will be in Heaven and Hell missed out living
If you still don't understand what I meant by "make every moments count", go visit a hospice

Haha, how sad? From employed to unemployed
& consoling oneself as self-employed
When employment ends, entrepreneurship begins
Do not be intimidated by changes
Many are forced to change by circumstances but turns adversity into success
Nothing ends until you breath the last breathe
Go forth and push the frontiers

Tomorrow is not promised

Live your best today & everyday

I have my fair share of successes and failures & most  times, the result is not what you expect
Success breeds more successes
When the tide is low, the shore is seen
Be there when fortunes turn
GOD bless


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Resolution - I Resolutely Want To Be Better

new broom sweeps clean ...

It's January again - 2019
Time to recycle resolutions for some whilst a few would be crafting new ones
What's in a Resolution? Plentiful to give the person some motivations and stop-starts
The Art of procrastination is omnipresent
There are fewer successful persons than failures simply because many do not believe in themselves
Fear is worse than laziness

Who Dares Win - is not a motto but an action
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog
No nobody wins without trying 
Winning effortlessly is when the someone has honed his skills way beyond his opponents
Winners never stop trying to be better where the physique allows
It's the grit within that drives one beyond his normal stamina and determination

"I resolutely want to be better" is my resolution
It can be recycled without remorse and regrets
Unlike most, being better than myself is not comparing with others but to bit the little to move ahead
Challenging myself is mental - the grit to drive the mind
I review my resolution quarterly and create awareness of the direction towards my goal
No two days are the same as I safely max-up every day

Tomorrow is not promised

Like all things, new year arrive forcefully and with oomph
Everyone is elated ...but, but... the only new thing is a new year & every other things remain the same
What's important is it allows many a/the refresh chance to reset their goals and grit, however thin
But, all you need is that momentary push
That beginning for which is hardest to start
I.. I never wait for this push; I'm self-motivated

What a good start when at almost 0100hours on 1st January 2019, my car failed
It was overheated
Standing by the roadside, I was not disturbed by this breakdown but instead waited patiently for 'rescue'
It was surprising that such 'failure' didn't "kill" me nor made me "flare up"
I enjoyed the night scene especially there were many tow trucks that 'happened' to drive by and offering help
I figured out that if I were to use any of them, my car will be towed to their workshop & I'd be hit by a thick bill
Alas, their willingness and goodwill to help 'boost' my faith with humanity

It's was a good start to 2019

Actually, many things went wrong 0n 31st December 2018 & continued into 1st January 2019
But, I was admirably cool
I wasn't upset nor did I flare-up
I took them as any ordinary dish that Fate serves
Guess, I am more matured

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...