is this the beginning or is it the end...
The beginning of NewYear is also the end of the LunarNewYear 十二月
Resolutions can be rewritten if still in doubt after a month's in-use
The female praying mantis eats up the male while mating so as to provide the necessary supplements/proteins for her/the offsprings
Mayflies also called as 'one-day insects' because of their shortest life span.
The average lifespan of a queen is three to four years; drones usually die upon mating or are expelled from the hive before the winter
The males die so that the future (generation) is assured
Let us not worry too much about the future
With Mutually Assured Destruction M.A.D., we may be exonerated if two silly countries decided to unleash their stores of nukes
Every moments count
The lively & happy persons live in "heaven" on Earth
Those who worry if their lives after death will be in Heaven and Hell missed out living
If you still don't understand what I meant by "make every moments count", go visit a hospice
Haha, how sad? From employed to unemployed
& consoling oneself as self-employed
When employment ends, entrepreneurship begins
Do not be intimidated by changes
Many are forced to change by circumstances but turns adversity into success
Nothing ends until you breath the last breathe
Go forth and push the frontiers
Tomorrow is not promised
Live your best today & everyday
I have my fair share of successes and failures & most times, the result is not what you expect
Success breeds more successes
When the tide is low, the shore is seen
Be there when fortunes turn
GOD bless
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