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Friday, January 11, 2019

My World Without Regrets

broken, repaired yet the faint crackline remains...

Wholesome, growth, prosperity & abundant harvest
Happiness, harmony & peace need maintenance
Plentiful of efforts & resources must be expended to reap the best & the desired
There is no barren land; plough, fertilize, irrigate & sow
Nature will provide

Positive attracts more positives
Success attracts more successes
Just as negative indulgences attract their likes
The choice is clear; the power is in the Mind

What you think, you become

Every thing is in abundance if we care to search
Happiness is all within
With health, wealth is obtainable
Humbly ask and help will come

The birds and bees, animals and beasts & all living things never need to worry about tomorrows
They seek safe haven when the seasons change
Nature has crafted an almost perfect universe, save for the damages, pollution and contamination done by Man

When Man plays GOD, he destroys
Man proposes, GOD disposes

The spoon can be a fork  
The glass can be a mirror
You cannot put back a broken mirror without seeing the crackline neither can you get a spoon straightened perfectly

Human destroys the natural habitat & drill for resources
Aborigines were evicted and their land confiscated in the name of progress
When the water sources are polluted, Man shalt perished
Treated water will always never be natural

Man lives on air, water & sunlight

So simple
When the air is contaminated, purifiers can only minimize the damages to health
When water is polluted, treated, recycled, desalinated or recovered waters will never taste the same
When the Nukes blow up, we will not see the sunlight for ages & the whole ecosystem collapsed

Life will never be the same especially after a Man-made disaster

Cherish every moments of your life 这世界没有后悔的药


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