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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Resolution - I Resolutely Want To Be Better

new broom sweeps clean ...

It's January again - 2019
Time to recycle resolutions for some whilst a few would be crafting new ones
What's in a Resolution? Plentiful to give the person some motivations and stop-starts
The Art of procrastination is omnipresent
There are fewer successful persons than failures simply because many do not believe in themselves
Fear is worse than laziness

Who Dares Win - is not a motto but an action
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog
No nobody wins without trying 
Winning effortlessly is when the someone has honed his skills way beyond his opponents
Winners never stop trying to be better where the physique allows
It's the grit within that drives one beyond his normal stamina and determination

"I resolutely want to be better" is my resolution
It can be recycled without remorse and regrets
Unlike most, being better than myself is not comparing with others but to bit the little to move ahead
Challenging myself is mental - the grit to drive the mind
I review my resolution quarterly and create awareness of the direction towards my goal
No two days are the same as I safely max-up every day

Tomorrow is not promised

Like all things, new year arrive forcefully and with oomph
Everyone is elated ...but, but... the only new thing is a new year & every other things remain the same
What's important is it allows many a/the refresh chance to reset their goals and grit, however thin
But, all you need is that momentary push
That beginning for which is hardest to start
I.. I never wait for this push; I'm self-motivated

What a good start when at almost 0100hours on 1st January 2019, my car failed
It was overheated
Standing by the roadside, I was not disturbed by this breakdown but instead waited patiently for 'rescue'
It was surprising that such 'failure' didn't "kill" me nor made me "flare up"
I enjoyed the night scene especially there were many tow trucks that 'happened' to drive by and offering help
I figured out that if I were to use any of them, my car will be towed to their workshop & I'd be hit by a thick bill
Alas, their willingness and goodwill to help 'boost' my faith with humanity

It's was a good start to 2019

Actually, many things went wrong 0n 31st December 2018 & continued into 1st January 2019
But, I was admirably cool
I wasn't upset nor did I flare-up
I took them as any ordinary dish that Fate serves
Guess, I am more matured

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