All relationships go through up, down and constant until after betrayal
Many issues can be mended and forgiven but occasionally the tear is so bad that scars remain
The most unpredictable "X" factor is emotions
The poker face, the stern-lifeless look, the faceless face - changes at a wink
Selfishness, greed, hatred and envy are potent disruptors
How many are truly compassionate and forgiving? Few or hardly
There are no true fellowship; many are just waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting
Man dies of misplaced loyalty
The tyranny never hesitates to sacrifice others to attain his objectives
Misinformation, half truths and withholding of information are tools used to deceive and entrap unsuspecting persons
The need to dominate and control is overwhelming
Such is the character of a coward
The Officer and Gentleman; in wars gentlemen are few
The need to win & survive in wars is a prerogative
Hatefully, no one benefits in a war
The underlying impatience brew confrontational pits
Short fuse accidents can be fatal
Warriors, leaders & gentlemen will save mankind
Do not let others provoke you into anger, violence & conflicts
There is no gains in (d)anger
The selfishness of a vindictive, power-crazy, alpha-bias dictator thrives on seeing others suffer
Their losses is his gain
Their sufferings is his pleasures
Depends on no one but yourself... your destiny is in your own hands

What is more important than to "shit off"? All input and no output is toxic
Our body is the best indication of having a "balance" approaches in life
You cannot keep collecting but gives nothing
However greedy and dominating one is, some day he will pay for his foolish greed
Death is the leveller
The best approaches in life is 以和为贵
Tolerating one another is not a solution
Giving in & giving away is the easiest way to lighten up your heart
We work to live, not live to work 放下, 凡事随缘
There is no rewards in quarrels
Even after reconciliation, suspicion and unhappiness prevail
Walk away from troubles
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