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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Luck Changes With You

coming and going are like the pendulum...

Ever wonder why some long standing industries fail and collapsed? They have outlived their usefulness

Some huge corporations failed & folded up because the management fail

Corps do not fail; management fails

Not everyone is cut up to be entrepreneurs, especially the scholars

If what the book teaches can be universally and wholesomely applied to the business world, the universities will be the biggest entrepreneurs

You can get professors of business but you cannot get professors of entrepreneurship; it's all in the guts

The brain delivers logic but the heart feels and seizes on the kink; the knob that opens & eases into revenue streams

No two decisions can be the same outcome

Successful businesses today need not have to be a new product but must be an aggregator

Robinhood - Wall Street's frenemy

Convoy - Freight's neural network

Impossible Food - Beyond food

CityBlock Health - Everyone deserves good health care

Clubhouse - The new sound of social

Gopuff - When you need stuff asap

Airtables - code share for non-coders

Flexport - supplychain economics

Thrasio - Transforming the Amazon economy

Above are some of the 50 newbies that can change the world of doing business

Time changes things and things changed with time

There's a Chinese saying that "today's governments (the world over) were once the warlords and gang chiefs turned legal (entity)" 

The Western cowboys are in today's Senate, Congress & Parliament while the Eastern warlords submit to a central command, be it Chairman, President or Premier

The people want a voice to represent them and that the Rep be empowered to dish out fairness, equity & care to all; respect is mutual

The government governs with a firm, fair hand. The entrepreneurs maximize economic returns that ensure there are more than enough to go around while the peasants & workers work for their due rewards

Harmony is when there are no oppression and suppression of wills, thoughts and actions

Let there be equity, peace and harmony

During this lockdown period, it is tough(er) to remain 'dormant', 'unmoved' & stalled

The slowness is torturous and killing

 But, there is no chance to rush as mobility is restricted

You can spend your time crying, complaining, feeling frustrated and sulking but nothing good can come out of this

Take the lull to reset and rethink my/your choices; read more and be prepared to change course as new normal sets the aggregator

Luck is where preparation meets opportunities

I do get bored. I do feel lousy with missed opportunities but that have all, but passed

There's light at the end of the tunnel but in the meanwhile, i light my own match

GOD willing, I will succeed

Never, never indulge in self pity and doubts









Monday, May 24, 2021

Change: Hate It Or Love It

 nothing stops changing ...

Crisis of yesteryears

1987 Black Monday

1997/8 Asian Financial Crisis

2007/8 US-Stock market crash

Famous stock market crashes include those during the 1929 Great Depression, Black Monday of 1987, the 2001 dotcom bubble burst, the 2008 financial crisis, and during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

From the ashes, rise the phoenix & every cycle gets bigger & scarier but change is the only constant

In the 80s, ChopHooThye lost (in the lows of)a couple of hundreds of millions

If you don't loss by the billions today, it's hardly news

There are more than 7bil people on Earth today

In number of people the increase was highest in India (350 million) and China (196 million). Population growth rate was among highest in the United Arab Emirates (315%) and Qatar (271%).

Will the Earth be able to house 10bil people? I guess it can but the poor has to scavenge to survive while the rich will live unpredictably, with constant worries of being overrun by the poor

Mother Earth needs no apologies for this predicaments; either Mother Earth rejigs and reboots & clean off the mess or Man will be destroyed & exterminated and the population reduced to allow Earth to regain "its health"

The greed of Man is a fatally potent toxin

In MainStreet, the broadening of indifference of the government is glaring

The commoners are suffering and their concerns are hitting the walls while the government indifference is blinding & deafening. Untrue? Go, check around...i am no messenger

To each, his own

Mercy & compassion are visibly absent 

The squirrel collects its food, race back home, never to be seen until it's food finishes, then it will go out to seek for food again

In Covid lockdown, you are expected to do likewise but that's only possible if you have the means & savings to tide you over

However, it's unimaginable, perhaps deplorable, if the G does the every iota of help eases the pains

Nobody condones racism and xenophobia as these are unfounded & unrelated terms in commercial & medical issues

I am not racist nor xenophobic to suggest Singaporeans First

Action your change & your thoughts and the world changes with you  

Fear - if you have nothing, there is nothing to fear; from zero to zero, it is still zero

From WallStreet to MainStreet to Parliament, let us change for the better & share the fruits of labor

No man's an island

Some day, GOD will level down if the top is heavy & greedy as HE knows trickle down economics do not help provide equitable & fair distributions

STOP waiting for anyone to change for you; every drops of water fill the ocean

You have a choice to get a better tomorrow or to drown in sorrows
















Friday, May 21, 2021

Your Luck Is Changing For The Better

when don't know, don't speculate...

YinYang is two halves/sides of the same coin

Day & night interchanges

When water streams change course, they'd reappear somewhere

Time moves and tide changes

The Laws of Nature command & balance

Panic not; time is the best friend

Humans are social animals & restricting their movements 'make them mad', easily irritable and frustrated

Before reacting, take a deep breathe, count until 3, then decide if it's even necessary to respond

I do not subscribe to climate change(s) as the Laws of Nature mandates change as a constant but i hate pollution, hoarding, greed & exploitation

The weak are not meek whilst there are no brave cowards

The rich cannot live in a sea of poors nor will the poors remain indifference, immobilize, ostrasize & submissive in the long  run

But, if you don't speak out against unfair treatment, discrimination & exploitation, it's assumed that you accept the status quo; do not be the last man standing

There is a reason for every thing that happens - an action will cause a reaction

For years, a *murder of crows (Collective nouns of crows is known as a murder, but a group of crows can also be called a horde, mob, muster, or parcel) make their nests in the few trees near my estate. People complained about their noise & the authority sent in the sharpshooters to kill & destroy them but with no results.

Some 6 months ago, three parrotkeets made home in one of the trees & for the last couple of weeks, challenged the crows. Today, some 6 months later, the mob of crows has disappeared; the Law of Nature prevails

Covid@Indian super spreader reared its ugly presence

No amount of (unproven) vaccines can stall its spread; wear masks, avoid the crowd, maintain high hygiene standards and practices, be safe - All shalt pass

Nature has her way of stopping the mad rush of humans; let sanity be restored 

Man cannot challenge Nature

The wrath of Nature is merciless; releasing Her unrelenting force & sweeps away everything on Her path   

There is a "Start & Stop" in all things 没有 天长地久 曾经拥有

When some unexplained incidences break out, keep calm & cool - rashness is the surest way to failures

The way forward is sprinkled with hopes, solutions and victories as (a) dead man tells no tales

Covid, deep recession, depression, government inefficiencies, commoners sufferings...all shall pass as events take a turn each - if you are already at the bottom/low, how low can it be? Next is turning up

Stop speculating but action your thoughts

Only you, YOU, can change the situation by first changing yourself


Monday, May 17, 2021

Good Time Is Coming But Watch Your Wallet

 time is slipping through my hand...

The harder I grab, the faster its slipping away

Struggling to breathe, the lungs aren't receiving the air around; it's not unlike the punctured tyre

C19 has slowed everything...not that you can challenge it but you can certainly lived with it

Many say the Earth needs a respite

The years where wealth is fairly distributed has faded long ago

  • half of the world's net wealth belongs to the top 1%,
  • top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world's total wealth,
  • top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth.
The 2020 Credit Suisse Global Wealth report makes for stark reading. Released at the end of October, it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent - 7 Dec 2020

There are more than 7 bil people on Earth; henceforth, poverty gets worse over the years

Despite the concentration of wealth amongst the few, there are enough food to go around if the produce are not hoarded

A global war-of-sorts will break out or a revolution will happen to level down the inequality; the North South gap is simply too glaring

The rich cannot live in a sea of poor

Who will till the land and seed the ground? Harvesting is easy but who will ready the food for consumption? The rich can only buy the sweat, blood and services of the poor but the poor can barter

Gold is trading at $1852.50 now

Bitcoin is doing 43,318.16

The appearance of more fiat money is making the global village traders, coupled with inflation, anxious 

In an inflationary situation and the uncertainty of fiat money and Covid restrictions, gold, commodities, properties & food prices will rise

Values & purchasing power are fast slipping away

Is today any worse than say 50 or 100 years ago? No, not really

Every generation has their own challenges

When you start at the worst, eg the depression or deep recession, by natural attrition, more will give up & the playing field is less crowded but equally challenging

If you start near the boom or peak, everything is chic and rosy but if you don't get out in time when downswing hits, you will be bashed to the bottom - the pains and defeats may cut deeper

Aboveall, nothing is permanent; manage your expectations 

Nothing is absolute gloom or boom, just as day make way for night

Be cool, calm and collected & ride the waves when the tides return

In uncertainty, have FAITH & 'do your best and leave the rest'

Take a step back, slow down, read & upskill; the time will come for you to grab into the upswing

Avoid silly antics & provocations; Prayers calm the Soul

Have compassion; help & share if you can but Do Not stretch

When it's everybody's problem, it's fine

The Man and the Boys will soon separate

The good time will return soon; I've been there, done that

The squirrels live better than the rats in times of turbulence

GOD bless

Friday, May 7, 2021

Slow Down A Little In Order To Survive Better

 running towards the end... many don't realize

When you are born, death is a's "when", not "if"

There is nothing to fear as whatever shall come, will

该来的总是会来 好坏不分 只能减不能免

The world is spinning so fast that many are just echoing and mimicking events without much thoughts to the underlying real causes eg, the war on Iraq's WMD, the need for a larger population for economic progress & cows' urine cures Covid

The rush to vaccinate is fast becoming a 'placebo' as the C-19 viruses mutate; the world is definitely not ready for medical emergencies but sadly, very 'war-ready'

Meritocracy is fast being buried as the meritoriously abled are becoming selfish, self-entitled & elitist; the system to accord recognition needs a paradigm shift to give more weight on ...other than paper achievements

"Close the doors, stay-in until the ill-winds blow past" - no GODs can protect you from Covid, ebola or even, simple but extreme flu

Death comes when it is least expected

Why are countries eager to team-up to fight a/any perceived enemy(ies); US+western nations versus China (maybe)+Russia? Simply, it's impatience when things are not going their ways

Are countries getting edgy as cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin or eRMB, gain dominance as wider acceptance may mean the decimation of currencies? It boils down to the dependency or otherwise & de-recognition of US$ - the loss of economic dominance

If the world cooperates and slow down a little, see friendliness instead of enmities, they will see abundance opportunities to cooperate than confrontation

In a  quarrel or in anger, nobody speaks well of the other

When a seemingly healthy person falls ill; he asks "why me"? But, if not you, who? Fate, or Heaven, has a way of slowing you down without warning

When you are sick, seek medical investigation & treatment  as wallowing in "why me" & worrying won't make you any better...

Go back to basics; eat blandly, less processed food, lesser meats but more greens...allow your body to detox 

The slowing down of 'gluttony' relieve your body of overworking

Time is the best friend

When you hit rough patches, slow down to reassess, regroup your resources, reroute, refine &/or plot new approaches - there is no "one glove fits all" solution

The poor man seldom dies of hunger but the rich man, more often than not, dies of diseases caused by gluttony

Singa, born in 1982, was sentenced to death in 2013

No artistic creation had been killed while still popular and non-violent

Was it the logo that seemingly looked like another political party that killed it? CSI can answer that

The need to destroy anything that's non pliant, not
obedient, 'supposedly stray out of accepted norms... are dangerous precedence

 There is no monopoly of ideas

Slowdown, ponders a is not strictly about "against you or for you" 

May...the fifth month of the year signaled more than a third of the year is gone

Why are you hurrying in COVIDed, slowed down time as clusters begun to rebuild

The silliness of allowing more imported, infectious foreigners into our sunny island is no laughing matter

Economic progress cannot be achieved with more infections and deaths

Being slow is not a curse ; more haste, less speed

Slowing down is not being lackadaisical








Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...