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Friday, May 21, 2021

Your Luck Is Changing For The Better

when don't know, don't speculate...

YinYang is two halves/sides of the same coin

Day & night interchanges

When water streams change course, they'd reappear somewhere

Time moves and tide changes

The Laws of Nature command & balance

Panic not; time is the best friend

Humans are social animals & restricting their movements 'make them mad', easily irritable and frustrated

Before reacting, take a deep breathe, count until 3, then decide if it's even necessary to respond

I do not subscribe to climate change(s) as the Laws of Nature mandates change as a constant but i hate pollution, hoarding, greed & exploitation

The weak are not meek whilst there are no brave cowards

The rich cannot live in a sea of poors nor will the poors remain indifference, immobilize, ostrasize & submissive in the long  run

But, if you don't speak out against unfair treatment, discrimination & exploitation, it's assumed that you accept the status quo; do not be the last man standing

There is a reason for every thing that happens - an action will cause a reaction

For years, a *murder of crows (Collective nouns of crows is known as a murder, but a group of crows can also be called a horde, mob, muster, or parcel) make their nests in the few trees near my estate. People complained about their noise & the authority sent in the sharpshooters to kill & destroy them but with no results.

Some 6 months ago, three parrotkeets made home in one of the trees & for the last couple of weeks, challenged the crows. Today, some 6 months later, the mob of crows has disappeared; the Law of Nature prevails

Covid@Indian super spreader reared its ugly presence

No amount of (unproven) vaccines can stall its spread; wear masks, avoid the crowd, maintain high hygiene standards and practices, be safe - All shalt pass

Nature has her way of stopping the mad rush of humans; let sanity be restored 

Man cannot challenge Nature

The wrath of Nature is merciless; releasing Her unrelenting force & sweeps away everything on Her path   

There is a "Start & Stop" in all things 没有 天长地久 曾经拥有

When some unexplained incidences break out, keep calm & cool - rashness is the surest way to failures

The way forward is sprinkled with hopes, solutions and victories as (a) dead man tells no tales

Covid, deep recession, depression, government inefficiencies, commoners sufferings...all shall pass as events take a turn each - if you are already at the bottom/low, how low can it be? Next is turning up

Stop speculating but action your thoughts

Only you, YOU, can change the situation by first changing yourself


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