running towards the end... many don't realize
When you are born, death is a's "when", not "if"
There is nothing to fear as whatever shall come, will
该来的总是会来 好坏不分 只能减不能免
The world is spinning so fast that many are just echoing and mimicking events without much thoughts to the underlying real causes eg, the war on Iraq's WMD, the need for a larger population for economic progress & cows' urine cures Covid
The rush to vaccinate is fast becoming a 'placebo' as the C-19 viruses mutate; the world is definitely not ready for medical emergencies but sadly, very 'war-ready'
Meritocracy is fast being buried as the meritoriously abled are becoming selfish, self-entitled & elitist; the system to accord recognition needs a paradigm shift to give more weight on ...other than paper achievements
"Close the doors, stay-in until the ill-winds blow past" - no GODs can protect you from Covid, ebola or even, simple but extreme flu
Death comes when it is least expected
Why are countries eager to team-up to fight a/any perceived enemy(ies); US+western nations versus China (maybe)+Russia? Simply, it's impatience when things are not going their ways
Are countries getting edgy as cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin or eRMB, gain dominance as wider acceptance may mean the decimation of currencies? It boils down to the dependency or otherwise & de-recognition of US$ - the loss of economic dominance
If the world cooperates and slow down a little, see friendliness instead of enmities, they will see abundance opportunities to cooperate than confrontation
In a quarrel or in anger, nobody speaks well of the other
When a seemingly healthy person falls ill; he asks "why me"? But, if not you, who? Fate, or Heaven, has a way of slowing you down without warning
When you are sick, seek medical investigation & treatment as wallowing in "why me" & worrying won't make you any better...
Go back to basics; eat blandly, less processed food, lesser meats but more greens...allow your body to detox
The slowing down of 'gluttony' relieve your body of overworking
Time is the best friend
When you hit rough patches, slow down to reassess, regroup your resources, reroute, refine &/or plot new approaches - there is no "one glove fits all" solution
The poor man seldom dies of hunger but the rich man, more often than not, dies of diseases caused by gluttony
Singa, born in 1982, was sentenced to death in 2013No artistic creation had been killed while still popular and non-violent
Was it the logo that seemingly looked like another political party that killed it? CSI can answer that
The need to destroy anything that's non pliant, not
obedient, 'supposedly stray out of accepted norms... are dangerous precedence
There is no monopoly of ideas
Slowdown, ponders a is not strictly about "against you or for you"
May...the fifth month of the year signaled more than a third of the year is gone
Why are you hurrying in COVIDed, slowed down time as clusters begun to rebuild
The silliness of allowing more imported, infectious foreigners into our sunny island is no laughing matter
Economic progress cannot be achieved with more infections and deaths
Being slow is not a curse ; more haste, less speed
Slowing down is not being lackadaisical
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