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Monday, May 17, 2021

Good Time Is Coming But Watch Your Wallet

 time is slipping through my hand...

The harder I grab, the faster its slipping away

Struggling to breathe, the lungs aren't receiving the air around; it's not unlike the punctured tyre

C19 has slowed everything...not that you can challenge it but you can certainly lived with it

Many say the Earth needs a respite

The years where wealth is fairly distributed has faded long ago

  • half of the world's net wealth belongs to the top 1%,
  • top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world's total wealth,
  • top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth.
The 2020 Credit Suisse Global Wealth report makes for stark reading. Released at the end of October, it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent - 7 Dec 2020

There are more than 7 bil people on Earth; henceforth, poverty gets worse over the years

Despite the concentration of wealth amongst the few, there are enough food to go around if the produce are not hoarded

A global war-of-sorts will break out or a revolution will happen to level down the inequality; the North South gap is simply too glaring

The rich cannot live in a sea of poor

Who will till the land and seed the ground? Harvesting is easy but who will ready the food for consumption? The rich can only buy the sweat, blood and services of the poor but the poor can barter

Gold is trading at $1852.50 now

Bitcoin is doing 43,318.16

The appearance of more fiat money is making the global village traders, coupled with inflation, anxious 

In an inflationary situation and the uncertainty of fiat money and Covid restrictions, gold, commodities, properties & food prices will rise

Values & purchasing power are fast slipping away

Is today any worse than say 50 or 100 years ago? No, not really

Every generation has their own challenges

When you start at the worst, eg the depression or deep recession, by natural attrition, more will give up & the playing field is less crowded but equally challenging

If you start near the boom or peak, everything is chic and rosy but if you don't get out in time when downswing hits, you will be bashed to the bottom - the pains and defeats may cut deeper

Aboveall, nothing is permanent; manage your expectations 

Nothing is absolute gloom or boom, just as day make way for night

Be cool, calm and collected & ride the waves when the tides return

In uncertainty, have FAITH & 'do your best and leave the rest'

Take a step back, slow down, read & upskill; the time will come for you to grab into the upswing

Avoid silly antics & provocations; Prayers calm the Soul

Have compassion; help & share if you can but Do Not stretch

When it's everybody's problem, it's fine

The Man and the Boys will soon separate

The good time will return soon; I've been there, done that

The squirrels live better than the rats in times of turbulence

GOD bless

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