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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Luck Changes With You

coming and going are like the pendulum...

Ever wonder why some long standing industries fail and collapsed? They have outlived their usefulness

Some huge corporations failed & folded up because the management fail

Corps do not fail; management fails

Not everyone is cut up to be entrepreneurs, especially the scholars

If what the book teaches can be universally and wholesomely applied to the business world, the universities will be the biggest entrepreneurs

You can get professors of business but you cannot get professors of entrepreneurship; it's all in the guts

The brain delivers logic but the heart feels and seizes on the kink; the knob that opens & eases into revenue streams

No two decisions can be the same outcome

Successful businesses today need not have to be a new product but must be an aggregator

Robinhood - Wall Street's frenemy

Convoy - Freight's neural network

Impossible Food - Beyond food

CityBlock Health - Everyone deserves good health care

Clubhouse - The new sound of social

Gopuff - When you need stuff asap

Airtables - code share for non-coders

Flexport - supplychain economics

Thrasio - Transforming the Amazon economy

Above are some of the 50 newbies that can change the world of doing business

Time changes things and things changed with time

There's a Chinese saying that "today's governments (the world over) were once the warlords and gang chiefs turned legal (entity)" 

The Western cowboys are in today's Senate, Congress & Parliament while the Eastern warlords submit to a central command, be it Chairman, President or Premier

The people want a voice to represent them and that the Rep be empowered to dish out fairness, equity & care to all; respect is mutual

The government governs with a firm, fair hand. The entrepreneurs maximize economic returns that ensure there are more than enough to go around while the peasants & workers work for their due rewards

Harmony is when there are no oppression and suppression of wills, thoughts and actions

Let there be equity, peace and harmony

During this lockdown period, it is tough(er) to remain 'dormant', 'unmoved' & stalled

The slowness is torturous and killing

 But, there is no chance to rush as mobility is restricted

You can spend your time crying, complaining, feeling frustrated and sulking but nothing good can come out of this

Take the lull to reset and rethink my/your choices; read more and be prepared to change course as new normal sets the aggregator

Luck is where preparation meets opportunities

I do get bored. I do feel lousy with missed opportunities but that have all, but passed

There's light at the end of the tunnel but in the meanwhile, i light my own match

GOD willing, I will succeed

Never, never indulge in self pity and doubts









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