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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Laugh Your Worries Away

smile & the world smiles with you...

Spices of life rules 酸甜苦辣

Like it or not; no two days are the same 

Between life(living) & death, is choice 生死由天 人道由己

Misery & happiness are not lasting nor infinite but interchange - the speed of which must & can be managed

Time flows slowly when you're in misery as you taunt, ponder, sulk, reminisce...reflect

Time is fleeting when happy notes hit as you celebrate, brag, indulge, 'swim in bliss' & look forward  

Whoever has anticipated a global lockdown or immobilization of commerce? This was an impossibility before C19 strike

The thoughts of humans confined within their dwellings, locales & countries were stretched imaginations until Covid runs wild

Diseases, calamities, famines and wars are possibilities & so will lives be challenged & transposed

Nothing is permanent nor finite; live & let live 

Cats, unlike dogs, will never bother you & prefer to be alone but will come to you when 'ready for companionship & cuddles"

Dogs' unmoved loyalty will stand by you whether you are in need or otherwise

Alone is not loneliness & laugh away your worries

Worrying don't solve problems for most shalt pass

Whatever & whoever try to reassure you that all are well is diplomatic, caring, and at times, hypocrites

If Fukushima radioactive waters are safe & can be discharged into the ocean, then why not recycle into drinking waters for their country/citizens? The truth speaks for itself & maybe non-existent

When foreigners say that their country is better & safer, then why are they still here? Move, move on, go; you are not a tree

Laugh at them & their pretensions 

When we struggle to put three meals on the table for our families, count our blessings that the family unit remains undisturbed & harmonious; a little hungry, perhaps

In trying times like now, it's everbody's problem, not just you & me...go with the flow

Nature is levelling down & you are given a change(s) to move up as more give up or fade away

Well, may give up too and laugh at those who try: life is about making choices

Quote: There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt

It's June, 2021 & time don't return for you to take a second bite

You can wallow in self-pity and blame the world for your 'misfortunes' or pick yourself up, move forward & discover new horizons

Whoever gets the last laugh, laugh best



Anonymous said...

“Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.” “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.” “If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane.”

Anonymous said...

Sometimes crying is the only option.

Brave The Changes

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