before the next teardrop falls ...
That which does not kill us makes us stronger
June is half a year (used) up, however you started - doing something, waiting for the next inspiration, pondering or simply doing nothing
Covid & its mutant viruses are rampaging the world finding victims to bring along into Heaven & Hell
The best defense against Covid is hygiene, cleanliness, good exercises & plentiful of sunshine
Avoiding the infected ones is imperative but without a healthy body, even the breeze could bring troubles
Every moment is a fresh beginning
Stay away from the paths of ill-winds until it blow past
How long will the lockdown lasts? That's not the issue but how long can we (each) outlast & remain sane & mobile
Let the sunlight to come into your life, if you want to shine, or simply "turn on the light"
Knowing is not enough, you must apply - action it to crystalise results
Bright colors attract bees & butterflies to pollinate
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly - R. Buckminster Fuller
We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden - The Bees
The future is not linear
Put in you best & pursue your ambition; someday, like the caterpillar, you will fly like the butterfly
Natural attrition will make the playing field less crowded
Worrying about tomorrows do not make today any better
In Slumdog Millionaire & The Shanghai Bund, the ultimate winners used grit, streetwisdom & commonsense to reach their ultimate goals
Fight to win; don't just fight
Success tastes sweetest when it's a well fought victory
The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire - the belly's fire, the gutfeel, the gumption
Just Do It & harvest it's fruition
Inspirations and aspirations are catalysts for success(es)
Talk less, do more & let success do the talking
Its the size of the fight in the dog, not the dog's size
In the animal kingdom, the males must fight to win to lead the flock & the winning Male gets to mate; survival of the fittest
Without compassion & care, Man schemes & destroys to dominate
Have a sound plan, adopt & adapt until success smile with/at you
人在做 天在看
I am not static in my work & plans as I change to fit the environment
No subjective opinions can sway my determination
My goal is to be HAPPY & HEALTHY whereupon monies appear every time I need
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