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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Grit Remains When Hopes Disappear

don't loss hopes...

When the famous artist lost his artistic right hand, he uses his left hand; his artistic mind remains unchallenged

When the soprano losses his voice, he writes music instead

Abdurrahman Wahid, also known as Gus Dur, though blind but was elected as 4th Indonesian President in 1999

In 2018, Dr Mahatthir, at age >91yo, became the PM of Malaysia again

 On May 25, 2001, Erik Weihenmayer became the first blind person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.

46-year old Chinese Zhang Hong scaled the tallest peak in the world from the Nepal side, becoming the first blind man in Asia and the third in the world to climb Mount Everest.

Jane Marczewski, 30, auditioned for “America’s Got Talent” Tuesday with a performance of her original song, “It’s OK.” Marczewski revealed before her performance that she has been dealing with cancer for the past few years. She said that she has a 2% chance of survival and some cancer in her lungs, spine and liver. “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy,” she said.

These are the voices of true grit, luck aside

It is so easy to give up; just let your lazy bones take over, hang on and continue dreaming发呆

Successful people do not look forward to being successful but look do forward to making it a success

Thinking is not enough; you must make it a success - & let the success make the noises

Rest if you must, never quit 

You are as able and capable as your health permits; without health, all dreams are empty

Snails, tortoises and turtles carry their houses(shells) every where they go because every living things need a 'roof over their head' & they live long(er)... a peaceful mind helps upkeep your health

Stay home, be safe & hide away from the ill-winds 

The time will come after all to bloom & restart again...leveling down give everyone a change to move up the social ladder

High achievers will find lockdowns restrictive but there are much to do to path the way for future possibilities; where & when opportunities present, pounce

I am running low on battery: physically, mentally, spiritually & in mind

I tried meditation, plentiful of exercises where my body permits, deleting useless and unhelpful acquaintances & contacts, even forcefully tried alone & in isolation to rebuild & recharge

I read articles & watch videos to fill idle times so as to pick up new ideas, concepts, approaches and influences

I seek mentorship & masterly guidances - the motivators that provide catalyst to upswing my spirit

Ultimately, its a "one-on-one" relationship with GOD; the inner voice that says 'keep going'

Silent, alone, solitude & Nature - recharges fastest

Desire, like lead in the blood, is most disruptive; kills slowly but surely

The idle mind is a potent pool to let desires & frustration multiply and corrupts it

Get up, get going ...the world is crumbling & he who live best returns to shine

Positive begets positives

Go slow...hiberbate - the pupa stage is the toughest

But, the butterfly can only dance & portrays its majestic wings and colors thereafter

I am crawling back into my cocoon & shall wait for the right time to resurface


 With Grit & patience, I shalt return stronger









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