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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Slow A Little But Be Positive - The Winner's Grit

fill idle times with positives...

An idle mind is the devil's workshop

In uncertain times, expect the unexpected 

The lower the expectation, the lesser the disappointment

Friends turned foes and money undermines character, trust & integrity

When push comes to shove, many Humans trade their animal instincts; survival at all costs

人在事为 Dead man tells no tales

From dusts to dusts, we came & shall return

What separate Man from animal is sensibility, emotions & feelings; the compassion

Be yourself & never betray your inner self

Cheating, scheming & scamming get you some results but they will be your Waterloo

Find time to think through and plan

The results are your efforts; let it be clean & clear

A victory that you can live with and sleep well

There is no short cut in life but you can learn painlessly by reading up(a book) &/or from another's experiences; asked & the answer shalt be found

Knowledge is acquired & found when questions are answered: ASK when unsure

There are no permanent fools

Reflect honestly & disillusions clear up

Quiet moments, alone, lost in 'wonderings'...allow you time to reflect & 'rectify' your past if only you are honest with yourself

Be serious in everything you do; do not be distracted by emotions & thoughtlessness

Be merciless & fight to win - victors get to write history

You can only be merciful after you've won - all losers are voiceless

The is a limit to what a poor can do to help the poor 土佛过江 自身难保

The poor needs loads of grit, honesty, guts and streetwisdom to beat the odds

If you fear, half the battle is lost - the evils fear the fearless

Whatever you do, or intend to do, never start with a "cannot or unable"

You can go as far as your mind carries you 心有多大 舞台就多大

Fill your life with positives and possibilities, for tomorrow is never promised

When you (first) start out, be conscientious, enthusiastic, hardworking & streetwise

Learn all you can, however mundane & keep a low profile 

Accept compliments & criticism alike & need not complain for the butterfly wouldn't fly with pride if it had given up at it's pupa stage

没有做不到的事 只要还没想到

Let your success do the talking

The world loves a Winner & winning is everything

You decide your fate or someone else will write your life's journey

Like the clouds, every formation is different & change is the only constant

Bad times pass and good days will be back; All shall clear 雨过天晴

Go forth & chase your dreams - the world is for you to conquer

Nothing is permanent but positives attract more positives & thou shall succeed & bask in glory

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