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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Live Your Best Today

yin & yang rule most situations...

Whether you are happy or sad, time still passes

Whatever your friends say & think about you, it doesn't really matter 'cos your immediate demise wouldn't move nor affect them

The VVIP is as influential as he's alive; his demise is gladly welcomed by those in-waiting

Nobody is indispensable; time, like tides, continue flowing - be humble

Covid disrupts mankind norms but for the year plus, the environment was cleaner, animals population multiplied & Nature 'prospers' 

Man if left unchecked, will self-destruct

Do not sulk nor be overly worried about Covid & it's mutant - those that don't deserve to be around shall go

Nature's wrath is unstoppable - death the leveller

7bil + people is not the problem but the hoarding of wealth, supplies & food is making living fairly untenable &, without GOD's/Nature's intervention, the miseries will cut deeper  

Besides Nature wraths, military adventurism and gamesmanship shall help expedite eradication of the evil & leave behind the good

With destruction, comes reconstruction 

When darkness is prolonged, Man will learn his lessons - COVID is only a 'dessert'

Slow down a little, enjoy the surroundings, watch Nature replenishes 

Someday, when the world is less crowded, Man will rejoice in the remade Nature

Nothing or No thing is not emptiness

The cup without it's hollowness cannot hold water as the house with fully filled space is unusable

Day & night, water & fire, man & woman; these epitomise the need to have a balance the Law (of Nature)

I am struggling to slow down & doing next to nothing only to realize the struggle is futile; time passes at the same pace...slow but definitive

Live life as if there is no tomorrow & expend today's abundance resources

Live happily, with grit & enjoy an energised self & leave the negatives to the many who are already basking in it as someone got to be on the other side of the coin

You have a choice - Yin or Yang - but remain balance

Tomorrow will be better but maximize utilization of today's resources which shall never return - TIME

June is expiring very soon & half a year is gone

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Slow A Little But Be Positive - The Winner's Grit

fill idle times with positives...

An idle mind is the devil's workshop

In uncertain times, expect the unexpected 

The lower the expectation, the lesser the disappointment

Friends turned foes and money undermines character, trust & integrity

When push comes to shove, many Humans trade their animal instincts; survival at all costs

人在事为 Dead man tells no tales

From dusts to dusts, we came & shall return

What separate Man from animal is sensibility, emotions & feelings; the compassion

Be yourself & never betray your inner self

Cheating, scheming & scamming get you some results but they will be your Waterloo

Find time to think through and plan

The results are your efforts; let it be clean & clear

A victory that you can live with and sleep well

There is no short cut in life but you can learn painlessly by reading up(a book) &/or from another's experiences; asked & the answer shalt be found

Knowledge is acquired & found when questions are answered: ASK when unsure

There are no permanent fools

Reflect honestly & disillusions clear up

Quiet moments, alone, lost in 'wonderings'...allow you time to reflect & 'rectify' your past if only you are honest with yourself

Be serious in everything you do; do not be distracted by emotions & thoughtlessness

Be merciless & fight to win - victors get to write history

You can only be merciful after you've won - all losers are voiceless

The is a limit to what a poor can do to help the poor 土佛过江 自身难保

The poor needs loads of grit, honesty, guts and streetwisdom to beat the odds

If you fear, half the battle is lost - the evils fear the fearless

Whatever you do, or intend to do, never start with a "cannot or unable"

You can go as far as your mind carries you 心有多大 舞台就多大

Fill your life with positives and possibilities, for tomorrow is never promised

When you (first) start out, be conscientious, enthusiastic, hardworking & streetwise

Learn all you can, however mundane & keep a low profile 

Accept compliments & criticism alike & need not complain for the butterfly wouldn't fly with pride if it had given up at it's pupa stage

没有做不到的事 只要还没想到

Let your success do the talking

The world loves a Winner & winning is everything

You decide your fate or someone else will write your life's journey

Like the clouds, every formation is different & change is the only constant

Bad times pass and good days will be back; All shall clear 雨过天晴

Go forth & chase your dreams - the world is for you to conquer

Nothing is permanent but positives attract more positives & thou shall succeed & bask in glory

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Grit Remains When Hopes Disappear

don't loss hopes...

When the famous artist lost his artistic right hand, he uses his left hand; his artistic mind remains unchallenged

When the soprano losses his voice, he writes music instead

Abdurrahman Wahid, also known as Gus Dur, though blind but was elected as 4th Indonesian President in 1999

In 2018, Dr Mahatthir, at age >91yo, became the PM of Malaysia again

 On May 25, 2001, Erik Weihenmayer became the first blind person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.

46-year old Chinese Zhang Hong scaled the tallest peak in the world from the Nepal side, becoming the first blind man in Asia and the third in the world to climb Mount Everest.

Jane Marczewski, 30, auditioned for “America’s Got Talent” Tuesday with a performance of her original song, “It’s OK.” Marczewski revealed before her performance that she has been dealing with cancer for the past few years. She said that she has a 2% chance of survival and some cancer in her lungs, spine and liver. “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy,” she said.

These are the voices of true grit, luck aside

It is so easy to give up; just let your lazy bones take over, hang on and continue dreaming发呆

Successful people do not look forward to being successful but look do forward to making it a success

Thinking is not enough; you must make it a success - & let the success make the noises

Rest if you must, never quit 

You are as able and capable as your health permits; without health, all dreams are empty

Snails, tortoises and turtles carry their houses(shells) every where they go because every living things need a 'roof over their head' & they live long(er)... a peaceful mind helps upkeep your health

Stay home, be safe & hide away from the ill-winds 

The time will come after all to bloom & restart again...leveling down give everyone a change to move up the social ladder

High achievers will find lockdowns restrictive but there are much to do to path the way for future possibilities; where & when opportunities present, pounce

I am running low on battery: physically, mentally, spiritually & in mind

I tried meditation, plentiful of exercises where my body permits, deleting useless and unhelpful acquaintances & contacts, even forcefully tried alone & in isolation to rebuild & recharge

I read articles & watch videos to fill idle times so as to pick up new ideas, concepts, approaches and influences

I seek mentorship & masterly guidances - the motivators that provide catalyst to upswing my spirit

Ultimately, its a "one-on-one" relationship with GOD; the inner voice that says 'keep going'

Silent, alone, solitude & Nature - recharges fastest

Desire, like lead in the blood, is most disruptive; kills slowly but surely

The idle mind is a potent pool to let desires & frustration multiply and corrupts it

Get up, get going ...the world is crumbling & he who live best returns to shine

Positive begets positives

Go slow...hiberbate - the pupa stage is the toughest

But, the butterfly can only dance & portrays its majestic wings and colors thereafter

I am crawling back into my cocoon & shall wait for the right time to resurface


 With Grit & patience, I shalt return stronger









Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Doing Nothing Is Prowess

change is the catalyst...

Chaos & madness stir uncertainties and disruptions

Covid not only deescalate & depress globalization but also made many "impossibles" possible

Society & its leaders have obligations to protect the livelihoods and well being of their flocks

Citizenship has Constitutional Rights which should not be tempered with lightly

The Rights and priorities of citizens should never be bartered nor relieved 

When you get through your toughest trial by yourself, whoever stays or leaves your life does not matter anymore

Everything is easy once you have gotten it; don't believe? Go, ask the failure

Many a great achiever started with small success as the taste of success is contagious 

Boredom kills & an idle mind is the Devil's workshop - creativity cannot be canned - someone gonna release the elephant in the room

Keep the peace & harmony, however the change & whatever the outcomes

Remain steadfast & calm and allow the ill-winds to (blow) pass

After destruction, it's reconstruction but Man & Nature, if destroyed(died), cannot be easily reproduced nor replaced

Time is the best friend

Homo Sapiens is a strange specie; they seek to conquer & dominate and will only get together and  cooperate in times of calamities yet they start wars amongst mankind, destroying the less abled

Will the last 75years of 'global peace' be broken by military adventurism? Nothing surprise me anymore as some powers (group) seek to dominate others 

Come whatever may, the world is changing fast & an accidental extermination of mankind will make Earth less crowded

Fundamentally, Man goes to war for economic reason aka ransom & booty

I am, like the many around are, suffering the fatigue of the lockdown; not doing anything is worst than doing little or being busy

But, immobilisation is also a "change mode" & change is the only constant

To be less stress or distress, adopt and adapt, including "doing nothing"; meditation is a buddhist way of doing nothing & allow calmness & peace to return to the self

Over time, a new normal shall rule

Monday, June 14, 2021

Glory Remains

fight or flight...

There is always a choice before defeat & death call upon you

Fight to win or flight for survival

The honest truth is "you are always on your own"

Your friends can help you to the extent of their abilities but mostly paltry 

The best fight is to win; slowly but surely - maybe not today but someday soon

At your loneliest, it's you & your surrounding - that's the moment of truth

It's moments like this that you realized that "you came alone(born) & shall return alone(death)"; the rest are temporary

Materialism & emotions are bondage

Life is a journey; enjoy the highs and lows of your trip as most experiences never return

Life's journey need not be lonely nor bland, just remain sane

Spice up your life & add colors

If you need to cry, pour out; If you need to laugh, scream at the top of your voice

If you don't know, ask; Seek & you shall find

Do not be a fool & hibernate in your own shyness

Cherish every moments you have, be it sad or happy as "like the river flow, the waters will never flow back"

Our surrounding environment, people & Nature keep changing

A lost is a lost but be positive about it although a friend's passing will become memory but you can surely wait for the next train

Always add an iota of laughter, humour, forgiveness, magnanimity & lightness to your daily encounters as these ease the mind makes the world goes around & almost all things possible

Companionship can be bought & so is love

Emotions are the baseline of all humans as artists

Victories & defeats are just 'passings'

So long as you have more hits than misses, you've lived fruitfully & well

Do not take my retreat & forgiveness as weaknesses

I do not like to fight but if I need to fight, I'd fight to win as winning is everything

We are as good as the last breathe for when you are gone, you'd soon be forgotten

Henceforth, if you think you are important & indispensable; think again


Friday, June 4, 2021

I Don't Need Much Money To Be Happy

before the next teardrop falls ...

That which does not kill us makes us stronger

June is half a year (used) up, however you started - doing something, waiting for the next inspiration, pondering or simply doing nothing

Covid & its mutant viruses are rampaging the world finding victims to bring along into Heaven & Hell

The best defense against Covid is hygiene, cleanliness, good exercises & plentiful of sunshine

Avoiding the infected ones is imperative but without a healthy body, even the breeze could bring troubles

Every moment is a fresh beginning

Stay away from the paths of ill-winds until it blow past

How long will the lockdown lasts? That's not the issue but how long can we (each) outlast & remain sane & mobile

Let the sunlight to come into your life, if you want to shine, or simply "turn on the light"

Knowing is not enough, you must apply - action it to crystalise results

Bright colors attract bees & butterflies to pollinate

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly - R. Buckminster Fuller

We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden - The Bees

The future is not linear

Put in you best & pursue your ambition; someday, like the caterpillar, you will fly like the butterfly

Natural attrition will make the playing field less crowded

Worrying about tomorrows do not make today any better

In Slumdog Millionaire & The Shanghai Bund, the ultimate winners used grit, streetwisdom & commonsense to reach their ultimate goals

Fight to win; don't just fight

Success tastes sweetest when it's a well fought victory

The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire - the belly's fire, the gutfeel, the gumption

Just Do It & harvest it's fruition 

Inspirations and aspirations are catalysts for success(es)

Talk less, do more & let success do the talking

Its the size of the fight in the dog, not the dog's size

In the animal kingdom, the males must fight to win to lead the flock & the winning Male gets to mate; survival of the fittest

Without compassion & care, Man schemes & destroys to dominate

Have a sound plan, adopt & adapt until success smile with/at you  

人在做 天在看

 I am  not static in my work & plans as I change to fit the environment
 No subjective opinions can sway my determination

My goal is to be HAPPY & HEALTHY whereupon monies appear every time I need

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Laugh Your Worries Away

smile & the world smiles with you...

Spices of life rules 酸甜苦辣

Like it or not; no two days are the same 

Between life(living) & death, is choice 生死由天 人道由己

Misery & happiness are not lasting nor infinite but interchange - the speed of which must & can be managed

Time flows slowly when you're in misery as you taunt, ponder, sulk, reminisce...reflect

Time is fleeting when happy notes hit as you celebrate, brag, indulge, 'swim in bliss' & look forward  

Whoever has anticipated a global lockdown or immobilization of commerce? This was an impossibility before C19 strike

The thoughts of humans confined within their dwellings, locales & countries were stretched imaginations until Covid runs wild

Diseases, calamities, famines and wars are possibilities & so will lives be challenged & transposed

Nothing is permanent nor finite; live & let live 

Cats, unlike dogs, will never bother you & prefer to be alone but will come to you when 'ready for companionship & cuddles"

Dogs' unmoved loyalty will stand by you whether you are in need or otherwise

Alone is not loneliness & laugh away your worries

Worrying don't solve problems for most shalt pass

Whatever & whoever try to reassure you that all are well is diplomatic, caring, and at times, hypocrites

If Fukushima radioactive waters are safe & can be discharged into the ocean, then why not recycle into drinking waters for their country/citizens? The truth speaks for itself & maybe non-existent

When foreigners say that their country is better & safer, then why are they still here? Move, move on, go; you are not a tree

Laugh at them & their pretensions 

When we struggle to put three meals on the table for our families, count our blessings that the family unit remains undisturbed & harmonious; a little hungry, perhaps

In trying times like now, it's everbody's problem, not just you & me...go with the flow

Nature is levelling down & you are given a change(s) to move up as more give up or fade away

Well, may give up too and laugh at those who try: life is about making choices

Quote: There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt

It's June, 2021 & time don't return for you to take a second bite

You can wallow in self-pity and blame the world for your 'misfortunes' or pick yourself up, move forward & discover new horizons

Whoever gets the last laugh, laugh best


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...