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Monday, February 21, 2022

When Life Is In Disarray

expect nothing, no disappointment...

Whatever seem to be normal, suddenly changed or stopped

What can be more disruptive than almost every changes strike in an instance

The friends that were reliable turned against you and/or reneged as if "it's a norm"; promises are cheap & honor is dead

The usual daily norms change too

I can accept changes but was taken by surprised that changes were sudden, immediate and impactful

I guess it is not about the changes but the impact that causes loose footings

Once adjusted, you regain control of the situation, not unlike regaining control of a nose-diving plane

There is no time for regrets

Nobody's gonna have sympathy for a/any loser... the deal is to 'kill', not to leave you with a chance to return

Desert frogs burrow underground during the dry months, in order to escape the searing sun. They can stay underground for many months while they wait for the next rains to fall

Survival  skills are necessary in the jungle & life and living is a jungle

Animals kill for food and survival but humans kill for 'fun', the fun of seeing one fell

How will/do you react when others purposely make your life miserable, with impactful disruptions? Stay calm, take the punches, burrow into safe heaven, assess the damage... never show any weaknesses or damages

When the chips are down, lie low

Nobody owes you a living; death is your closure, not theirs. The best revenge is "Steve Job-bing"

留得青山在 不怕没材烧 Steve Jobs + Steve Wozniak (year 1976) > Michael Scott > Mike Markkula > John Sculley > Michael Spindler > Gil Amelio > Steve Jobs (year 2000) 真能力 真金不怕火炼

Revenge? NO... The sweetest victory is to let the plotters fail in their own game

Life is never linear 

There will always be a section of acquaintances, not friends, who would like to see you down; watch who you share your problems with

The home breaker, the relationship disruptor, the business cheats; most betrayals are only possible because you trusted them as friends

When you are lowest in your life, the only way is up

Go, get a life after defeats...& return stealthily - strike when ready

Life can never be in disarray for too long; spend a little idle time to create a new winning formula

The idle mind is a devil's workshop - work on your devil's ideas and return as an avenging angel

Nobody can see you 'dead' if you refuse to die

Friday, February 18, 2022

Living Simply & Happily

whatever fits...

Emotional baggage are lengthy, sticky and need to wax off over time, be it pain, regrets, triumphs, sweet nothings

I remembered the movie where the young lady ran away from home & lived with an elderly man she met while sleeping rough as his wife had left him earlier and ended having two sleep-in boyfriends. The young lady found a equal age guy to settle down as he couldn't 'satisfy' her after some years while the elderly happily settled with a gay partner; his hidden emotional wants

Everyone found happiness towards the end

You don't really know what you desire until your mind is settled

Happiness is relative

You can't give anyone happiness if he decides that his life is one of unfairness & misery - he sees the thorns more than he was ever able to enjoy the sweet smell the roses

Nature commands that we will go through 生老病死 & must 'enjoy' 酸甜苦辣; if everyday is sunshine, chances are you are in a desert

The difference is your emotions; the degree of fluidity & stability determines your level of happiness or misery

Some people get tired off easily or they are like "fish on a hook" and can see only one perspective

Night turns into day, misfortune turn lucky, sadness turn harmony... the cyclicals

Nothing is finite & time is one

Have faith with GOD & treat yourself well; nobody cares if you are in harmony with the universe

Life is like soccer; the goal keeper can keep out a thousand balls but if he allowed a score, he is judged

All the good you've done is expected of you but any wrongs, if discovered, carry penalties

That's the real equality; the world will never be equal - the earlier you accept it, the happier you will be

What is GOD? GOD is about love; nobody has seen GOD but many have felt the need to love, forgive & embrace harmony and peaceful coexistence

We are all made unique & have specific roles to play in our lives 做好本分

Let there be happiness & harmony all around

If you think Heaven is wonderful, why are you still here? Why not live heavenly on Earth instead? It's now or never...there may not be a/any heaven

Care & share, have compassion & help the less able & less fortunate

The less expectations you have, the less disappointments you'll get

Go with the flow & life's gonna be a breeze

The aborigines, red indians and dayaks were happy, and will still live happily, in their forested & green areas, away & undisturbed by urbanisation 

Whoever say materialism is supreme? You live live well

Don't worry, be happy

Whatever fits ... go with it

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Be Easy On Yourself

accept reality & let go ...

How long can you hold on to a hope-less situation hoping that it will turn around? For as long as you can take the pain of waiting aimlessly

There is a price for everything: hold, let go, walk away

Giving time and opportunities for it to harness and manifest positively require grit & faith

What are the losses of giving up? You loss some & the other party loss some but the jury is still out in the open; there is no real winner nor loser

长痛不如短痛好  笑看天下事

Pains ease over time as memories fade

Everyone has their own priority & priority changes as needs change; nobody is any smarter

Man proposes but GOD disposes

Whatever tomorrow brings, no one knows

Well known singing idol, Feng FeiFei凤飞飞, planned a major "thank you" concert for her fans but fate didn't allow it. In the midst of her preparations, she was diagnosed with cancer & didn't make it.

Steve Jobs, with all his fame and wealth, couldn't win against a ravaging cancer  

Vanity and envy is the cancer of the character - values are destroyed by personal indiscretions 

Whatever you give to help another must never be weighed against any plausible returns - many will move on whereas you are stuck in the unrequited illusionary returns

Material sacrifices can be made back but emotional investments need to burn itself up - there is no recourse for emotions

With the last two years of turbulence, it pays to give up & go with the flows

Bite the bullet & moves on

Rich or poor, family comes first; the rest can wait

Live healthily and happily - tomorrow is not promised 

If you had been betrayed, your emotions were ripped off & you are left to hang on a line, walk away...

All pains will ease over time & Karma serves the same menu 

Nobody can rob you of your happiness

Some day, when you look back...letting go was indeed the best decision that you've made

没有如果 只有结果和因果

No expectation, no disappointments - Be easy on yourself

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Punch Hard To Win - Start Now

shortest may not be the worst...

February is the shortest month in the year but everyday still holds 24hours

Whatever changes but time doesn't change; everything changes over/with time

Man and material beings are finite and shalt decay over time

Emotions change when priority & attraction changes

We can't beat the clock for most times as the Laws of Nature rule; the newly born butterfly needs to wait out for it's wings to dry before it's first flight

Flowers need to shed before becoming fruits & the tides are pulled by the moon's gravitational forces

People come & go and life is a revolving door with most staying only long enough to cast an impact

Whether they are good, bad or ugly, all departures hurt - you'd miss the good ones, the bad leaves 'destruction' while the ugly leave behind bad tastes

Time shalt heals

Leave the formative years (up to 15yo) to explore and experiment

By 30yo, you'd have fairly clear ideas of your future, your goals and your intents

40yo is the last spurt of energy for monumental changes

By 50yo, it's time to go with the flows - follow your heart

It's a little hard to rearrange your life and goals by 60s; not impossible though. But, with brittle bones and stoic grit greasing the changes, you may achieve after much efforts

70yo is a time to reflect, relax and tell some stories

Don't harbor too much regrets as you have spent your time paving your paths. What you think, you become

An action will cause a reaction, not unlike "what you eat, you become" - the greatness of the Universe is 'light attracts light'

February is the freshest of Spring

Man is driven by emotions - the desire to achieve

Use your energy, capabilities and grit wisely; there is little to no room for regrets

In our life's journey, you win some... you loss some; just win more to eliminate the pains of losses

知足常乐 Be contented but ready to fight for your dreams; winning or losing is part of the game

Within you means, most things are achievable

If you can't take the heat, leave the kitchen

We are all built differently & have distinct roles to play and the earlier that you realize and accept "the world will never be equal", the happier you'll be 

Fight for what's yours and leave the scene without being excessive but contentment

Tomorrow will never come; make the best use of today

Start now: to let go, to fight on, to give your best shot, to challenge fate... whatever! Just be the BEST

Life is like a boxing match. If you don't punch hard to knock out your opponent, he will. 

DO NOT fight for fun

Everybody loves a winner

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...