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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Be Easy On Yourself

accept reality & let go ...

How long can you hold on to a hope-less situation hoping that it will turn around? For as long as you can take the pain of waiting aimlessly

There is a price for everything: hold, let go, walk away

Giving time and opportunities for it to harness and manifest positively require grit & faith

What are the losses of giving up? You loss some & the other party loss some but the jury is still out in the open; there is no real winner nor loser

长痛不如短痛好  笑看天下事

Pains ease over time as memories fade

Everyone has their own priority & priority changes as needs change; nobody is any smarter

Man proposes but GOD disposes

Whatever tomorrow brings, no one knows

Well known singing idol, Feng FeiFei凤飞飞, planned a major "thank you" concert for her fans but fate didn't allow it. In the midst of her preparations, she was diagnosed with cancer & didn't make it.

Steve Jobs, with all his fame and wealth, couldn't win against a ravaging cancer  

Vanity and envy is the cancer of the character - values are destroyed by personal indiscretions 

Whatever you give to help another must never be weighed against any plausible returns - many will move on whereas you are stuck in the unrequited illusionary returns

Material sacrifices can be made back but emotional investments need to burn itself up - there is no recourse for emotions

With the last two years of turbulence, it pays to give up & go with the flows

Bite the bullet & moves on

Rich or poor, family comes first; the rest can wait

Live healthily and happily - tomorrow is not promised 

If you had been betrayed, your emotions were ripped off & you are left to hang on a line, walk away...

All pains will ease over time & Karma serves the same menu 

Nobody can rob you of your happiness

Some day, when you look back...letting go was indeed the best decision that you've made

没有如果 只有结果和因果

No expectation, no disappointments - Be easy on yourself

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