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Monday, February 21, 2022

When Life Is In Disarray

expect nothing, no disappointment...

Whatever seem to be normal, suddenly changed or stopped

What can be more disruptive than almost every changes strike in an instance

The friends that were reliable turned against you and/or reneged as if "it's a norm"; promises are cheap & honor is dead

The usual daily norms change too

I can accept changes but was taken by surprised that changes were sudden, immediate and impactful

I guess it is not about the changes but the impact that causes loose footings

Once adjusted, you regain control of the situation, not unlike regaining control of a nose-diving plane

There is no time for regrets

Nobody's gonna have sympathy for a/any loser... the deal is to 'kill', not to leave you with a chance to return

Desert frogs burrow underground during the dry months, in order to escape the searing sun. They can stay underground for many months while they wait for the next rains to fall

Survival  skills are necessary in the jungle & life and living is a jungle

Animals kill for food and survival but humans kill for 'fun', the fun of seeing one fell

How will/do you react when others purposely make your life miserable, with impactful disruptions? Stay calm, take the punches, burrow into safe heaven, assess the damage... never show any weaknesses or damages

When the chips are down, lie low

Nobody owes you a living; death is your closure, not theirs. The best revenge is "Steve Job-bing"

留得青山在 不怕没材烧 Steve Jobs + Steve Wozniak (year 1976) > Michael Scott > Mike Markkula > John Sculley > Michael Spindler > Gil Amelio > Steve Jobs (year 2000) 真能力 真金不怕火炼

Revenge? NO... The sweetest victory is to let the plotters fail in their own game

Life is never linear 

There will always be a section of acquaintances, not friends, who would like to see you down; watch who you share your problems with

The home breaker, the relationship disruptor, the business cheats; most betrayals are only possible because you trusted them as friends

When you are lowest in your life, the only way is up

Go, get a life after defeats...& return stealthily - strike when ready

Life can never be in disarray for too long; spend a little idle time to create a new winning formula

The idle mind is a devil's workshop - work on your devil's ideas and return as an avenging angel

Nobody can see you 'dead' if you refuse to die

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