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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Keep Marching Til Success Comes

continue marching...

Whatever happens, life carries on

The globe continues to rotate & Man will live to enjoy or suffer the consequences

天 - Heaven is silent to all pleas but shall listen

地 - Land will provide for everything you seek; for the better or worse

人 - Man is the decider; you harvest what you sow

Man's survival is dependent on his actions. If you pollute the environment, if you over-fish, if you extract the grounds' useful resources, Earth may not gets enough time to recover from the ravages & destruction that ensue

The end of the world is not God's will but Man's folly 

Just as Covid destructive forces ease, war began; Russia attacked Ukraine & put her nuclear forces on alert

There is nothing much to worry in this man-made-madness

If the nuke-armed nations decide to decimate each other to show dominance & control, there are enough nuke-bombs to shred Earth into pieces & no inhabitants will live to witness the aftermath

Even if you are enjoying your dinner, taking a stroll in the park, sleeping soundly or whatever... chances are "in a major nuclear warfare outbreak", the fallout is enough to engulf far & wide & kill/maim you

The winds of change will bring destruction & calamity to you (your doorstep)

So, why worry? Worrying will not solve problems

Live your best, live simply & enjoy every breathe you take - tomorrow is never promised

Keep going & march ahead towards your dream & goals

What the mind thinks, you become

The world is convoluted, many (empowered) leaders are greedy, self-centred & selfish and sway to the lobbying by influencers

Commoners longed to live a normal, 'uneventful' but peaceful life, without undue stress

Leave whatever that are beyond you or your control alone - you are not expected to solve all 

Move ahead bravely, with grit & a clear mind

Some day soon, success will smile 

The winner is not necessarily the strongest, bravest, tallest ... but the one who is ready & prepared& who waited for the right time to strike

Most times, you cannot rush but "do your best & be there when victory arrives"

Dead Man tells no tales

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