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Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Incurable LUCKY Guy

lifelessness is emotionally draining...

Alone is not loneliness but feeling lonely is a drain on our mental well being

Empty is not void but hollowness in feeling makes one live on knife's edge - unable to lead a peaceful, balance & stable life

Humans are social animals; they need companions and belonging

Even the occasional meet up boosts the spirit

Whatever passes may return to haunt happily & momentarily

Memories are made of everything nice - fleeting though

Saplings - the sign of hopes and abundance

Strengths are found in new growths - procreation ensure continuity

Sustainability dictates that the globe must be less polluted; the water, the air, the environment...

Plants, the greens, offer food and abundant oxygen

Nature has her ways of replenishing the greens if humans are less disruptive or extinct

From dusts to dusts, nothing is infinite but recyclable

When a person passes 60years old, 30% of his muscles degenerate. You need to 'work out' more to maintain the muscle mass

As the eagle aged, it needs to break it's claws & beak to allow re-growth & re-strengthening; the hunter must ensure his tools are ever-ready

Do not allow the slightest setback to drown you

The forest may be grand but a match stick can burn down a forest

The grand, old oak tree may fall in a storm whereas the blade of grass will dance blissfully in the wind

Go with the flow; when tired, rest 休息是为了走更长的路

There is strength is adversity; setbacks are not definitive

Fortunes favor the brave

All hurts, disadvantages & pains dissipate over time & daybreak shalt come

Be prepared, be ready 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 ; someday soon, victory returns

When you're a winner, the world comes to you

Let everyone who walks out on you regret their moves & winning is the best revenge

It is loneliest at the TOP... be there, done that

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