motivate thyself to conquer the impossible...
You must have a dragon hidden inside of you. When you need, you let that dragon out - Anderson Silva - Whatever you seek to achieve, you must have the fire in your belly
The best fighter is never angry - Lao Tzu -
A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough - Bruce Lee - Nobody can be logical if he is emotionally charged
Rewards for good service should not be deferred a single day - Sun Tzu - recognition for positive work must be reinforced in an instant
Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick - Bruce Lee - go with the flow & act swiftly
Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances - Jackie Chan - Adopt, if not adapt to overcome resistance. Iron is solid but rusts erode iron & weaken its matter
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes - Gautama B - night turns into day as day turns into night & all shalt pass. When your path is right, victory is in sight
In the struggle between the stone and water, in time, the water wins - Japanese Proverb - Victory goes to the who dares, not necessarily the toughest, shrewdest nor bravest but the one with grit & stamina
How many things apparently impossible have nevertheless been performed by resolute men who had no alternative but death - Napoleon - When its a life or death challenge, many will make it alive; cowardice & doubts disappear
Just be the BEST and leave the rest
The world will never be equal and only the fittest survive; it doesn't mean you will be left alone as some will trudge into your peaceful & undisturbed turfs
Attack is the best defense
Be honest & never cut edges - it's unsustainable; the devil will return to haunt you
How able & capable you are, determine longer term success
This pic is a young bringing food to it's aged parent; a rare occurrence - it demonstrates that the earlier you learn a skill, the better prepared you are 冰冻三尺非一日之寒
When betrayed or short-changed, never get mad; get even - like a good martial artist, defeat them in their own game
Nobody is infallible - everyone has a dog's day when their biorhythm is low
If you fight, fight to win; cosmetic punches are a waste of time. Do not make a fool of yourself
Keep all relationship warm; real, fake or pretentious
Some day, it will feel the impactful truth
Be a the player who wins the game with smartness, not smugness
You are alone in your quest for victory - nobody but you are responsible for the betterment of your life
There is no "absolute", everything is "relative" - win some, loss less - the world is yours to conquer
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