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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Potent Grit - Winning Is Everything

down but never, never out...

Somehow when misadventures strike, they flow 祸无单行 

When changes come too fast & swift, a steady mind & grit are necessary defences

The defences aren't against falling but to be able to get up again, bloodied maybe...but ready to be nursed back to fitness & return

It is not about the defeat but the ability to make a meaningful come back, well & alive; ready for the next challenge

The fight is in the dog, not the size

Life challenges are like fighting cancer - it is mind over body 

The Power of Beliefs in a Higher Being - the Great Lord - relieves lots of unnecessary sufferings

I will do my best & I will leave the rest - HE will take every negative ions off me

Man proposes, GOD disposes - the journey between being born and death is a choice

I have my fair share of defeats, especially lately...alas

I accept them as a wholesome but forced changes in my life - the discarding of the past & in with the new

Whatever is in store for me I don't know but I shalt walk ahead with "head in the air" aka bravely & stately

I am befuddled - the speed of changes hit me like a 200km windy tornado - before I rise again, the next batch of awful change bites

I may be down, definitely not out

This is my era of 'compassless' fights - challenges come from all directions, but...BUT... I believe in my ideals 路是人走出来的  条条大路通罗马

The Buddhisattva lives within me - the Zen 忍 of GOD deflects all ill-ions

 Zen - be the blade of grass that dances in the storm

What will I achieve tomorrow, I don't know but whatever I achieve will be a reflection of my intents

There is nothing more important than to live happily & healthily

Happiness within me will radiate into successes - the achievements where Kings & Paupers desire

Rest, if I must

I need not seek others understanding nor be bothered by others opinions; my conscience is crystal clear

Good friends are far & few in between - like ice in the mid-day sun, few can withstand the test of time

I am who I am; answerable to my internal clock & needs

没有如果 只有结果和后果 - 因果

Who dares win - & you harvest what you sow

Victory is sweetest when you defeat your opponents in their own grounds, without shooting a single shot

Battles are won unannounced - the surprise elements make winnings less elusive

Whatever fits; I will lie low until my fortunes return ... soon

I shall laugh away my worries and disappointments until victory returns

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