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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Punch Hard To Win - Start Now

shortest may not be the worst...

February is the shortest month in the year but everyday still holds 24hours

Whatever changes but time doesn't change; everything changes over/with time

Man and material beings are finite and shalt decay over time

Emotions change when priority & attraction changes

We can't beat the clock for most times as the Laws of Nature rule; the newly born butterfly needs to wait out for it's wings to dry before it's first flight

Flowers need to shed before becoming fruits & the tides are pulled by the moon's gravitational forces

People come & go and life is a revolving door with most staying only long enough to cast an impact

Whether they are good, bad or ugly, all departures hurt - you'd miss the good ones, the bad leaves 'destruction' while the ugly leave behind bad tastes

Time shalt heals

Leave the formative years (up to 15yo) to explore and experiment

By 30yo, you'd have fairly clear ideas of your future, your goals and your intents

40yo is the last spurt of energy for monumental changes

By 50yo, it's time to go with the flows - follow your heart

It's a little hard to rearrange your life and goals by 60s; not impossible though. But, with brittle bones and stoic grit greasing the changes, you may achieve after much efforts

70yo is a time to reflect, relax and tell some stories

Don't harbor too much regrets as you have spent your time paving your paths. What you think, you become

An action will cause a reaction, not unlike "what you eat, you become" - the greatness of the Universe is 'light attracts light'

February is the freshest of Spring

Man is driven by emotions - the desire to achieve

Use your energy, capabilities and grit wisely; there is little to no room for regrets

In our life's journey, you win some... you loss some; just win more to eliminate the pains of losses

知足常乐 Be contented but ready to fight for your dreams; winning or losing is part of the game

Within you means, most things are achievable

If you can't take the heat, leave the kitchen

We are all built differently & have distinct roles to play and the earlier that you realize and accept "the world will never be equal", the happier you'll be 

Fight for what's yours and leave the scene without being excessive but contentment

Tomorrow will never come; make the best use of today

Start now: to let go, to fight on, to give your best shot, to challenge fate... whatever! Just be the BEST

Life is like a boxing match. If you don't punch hard to knock out your opponent, he will. 

DO NOT fight for fun

Everybody loves a winner

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